How to make use of generic 433Mhz sensors?

I will try to build a 433 mhz to mqtt gateway (ESP8266 433mhzToMQTT) just like you @masterkenobi. I’m looking for components to buy and saw that you used this compontents:

Did you need anything else or was those parts all you needed? How is the range of the receiver and the transmitter?

@1technophile, you wrote that you used a antenna (Antenna 3dbi) for the receiver, but I can’t find any mention of it in your guide. Was it needed to get a good range?

Thank you in advance.

I also use 2 433MHZ spring antennas. The range is pretty good. I put the gateway in the middle of the house and it can cover the whole house.

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I’m using this one for the receiver:

And a spring antenna for the emitter. I’m planning to upgrade the emitter antenna an d increase its voltage to 12v instead of 5v.

Like this one?

I couldn’t follow your link. Did you mean this one?

Are you going to use the same kind for the emitter?

I have updated the link, for the emitter i bought this one:
But not tried it yet

Regarding antenna, I found this topic as very interesting:

It is a good comparison of the different antennas

Thank you for your advice @masterkenobi, @1technophile. I have now ordered some components. In one month from now we will see if I can get it to work =)

yes. something like that.

good luck

Hi well done for finding these, I’ve been searching for ages for a cheap sensor that sends out more than just 1 code.

I’m using Openhab with an RFXtrx433e I’ve set them up as lighting4 in Rfxmanager and I’m getting data back but I can’t make sense of the codes. For example in RFXmanager I get:

Packettype = Lighting4
subtype = PT2262
Sequence nbr = 14
Code = D0BCA7 decimal:13679783
S1- S24 = 1101 0000 1011 1100 1010 0111
Pulse = 320 usec
Signal level = 7 -64dBm

In openhab for the same I get
Raw data = 0913000ED0BCA7014070

  • Packet type = LIGHTING4
  • Seq number = 14
  • Sub type = PT2262
  • Id = 13679626
  • Command = UNKNOWN
  • Pulse = 320

What are you using to determine the status?


I suppose you could just open, close and tamper the sensor and see what code you get for those 3 case.

Thanks that’s what I’ve done

I’ve ended up using the raw data and matching part of it to the Hex code (DOBCA7 in the case above).

Openhab does not seem to be able to decode the commands directly.

Seems to work well - next is to see how long the batteries last. It only sends commands when there is a change so I am hoping that means a long life.

Has anyone found a 433 relay or switch which has a physical button and also transmits the status of the relay. I’d like to put this on a bedside light which my son always leaves on.

if he is happy with that i would leave it.
if you think about power saving then make a LED in it.
if thats already there, then remember that it costs around 2 euro a year on power, so investing 10 bucks for it wouldnt be wise :wink:

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I agree the power saving is minimal but is is also useful to see what is switched on sometimes. I found another thread and it looks like there is nothing cheap available…

there is, but then you have to create it yourself :wink:

an ESP, a single relay and a button will do the trick. costs are around 6 bucks.

but you must program the ESP yourself (mysensors makes that easy for you) and you must built a box around it yourself.

You can put a sonoff RF:

Upload this to it:

and you will be able to command it by RF , wifi and to know the state by wifi


After using the gateway for few months, there is one issue that annoys me the most.

Sometimes, the signal from some of my 433Mhz sensors are not captured by the gateway.

It causes some of the automation failed to trigger.

I suspect these are the possible reasons…

  1. Too many sensors trigger at the same time.
  2. The range of the sensors deteriorate perhaps due to diminishing battery strength.
  3. Gateway too far.

To overcome this, I plan to spread out multiple gateways across the house.

My question is, is it possible for the gateway to publish selective payloads to the MQTT topic?

For example, if I put a gateway on each floor, and each gateways only publish the code from sensors at respective floor to the MQTT topic.

That means, before I upload the sketch to the NodeMCU, I must obtain all the codes for each sensors. Maybe using another gateway. Then I hardcoded the codes that I want the gateway to process into the skectch so that the gateway only publish the code that is listed and ignore the rest.

This is to prevent multiple gateways publishing the same payload to the same topic.

I think a better way would be for home-assistant to handle the double code, or?
Is it for door/movement sensor?

Your solution would also be possible I guess, you’ll just have to check the received code against the wished code list and decide if he should be sent.


Take a look to this post it has already been done by @ronvl by changing the topics maybe he can help you :

After this if you play with MQTT possibilities “+” you can send to all the gateway at the same time (not tested with HA)

Could you point me what is the receiver and antenna you are using?