The Lightstrips choice thread

I’ll order today or tomorrow the led strip end the controllers so I’ll try to give un update for next week about the setup :wink: thanks for your example

@ReneTode Thanks!

And how would I connect 1 nodemcu to 5 lightstrips in different locations? :slight_smile: It’s gonna be 5 nodemcus then.

But it looks like it’s not a controller replacement, it’s a hub replacement?

its a hub replacement. you can use 1 nodemcu to control 5 or more milight controllers in stead of the normal hubs that can only control 4 lights.

sorry for the confusion.

Hm, did they rename MiLight into EasyBulb now? Or is it just localization matter, not global?

Me again.

Do these Mi Light controllers work with HASS?

Mi-Light RGBW FUT028 P193

Last time we discussed FUT038 as far as I remember.

you connect hass to the main hub from milight (or a hub that is created for that)
like this one

from the link i can read that that is a fut28 so if you mean that one i can answer yes.
(because i own one of those)

Hello, I need some help setting one of these up. I got MiLight iBox like the one HERE. And I got an RGB led strip controller, like the one HERE. Everything works as expected via the app, however, I can’t get Home Assistant to control it. Here’s the yaml code:

  - platform: limitlessled
      - host:
        - number: 1
          name: MasterBed

Does anyone know why this isn’t working? I know the IP address is correct. The only thing I can think of is that I am using an RGB LED controller, and all the docs only seem to mention RGBW. Is there anything that I can do to get this working with Home Assistant?

At the end I configured all in this way:

  • platform: limitlessled
    • host: 192.168.xx.xx
      • number: 1
        name: Living Led

And all work great!!!


I am using WS2812B LED strips with esp8266 and using BRUH software they seem to work fine but i have couple of issues

The LED randomly switch off and restart
The 8266 disconnects from Hassio and i cannot control the lights until i restart. this is more evident with certain effects

I first thought it was because of power as i was using a usb adapter to power 8266 but then i changed the same used a buck converter and connected it to the 5v power supply with output to the 8266 at 3.3V

The problem still stays my router shows full signal

I have not used a resistor as it just makes the light unstable and flickery

Does anyone have links or examples of LED strips that are compatible with the Mi Light iBox2?

a ledstrip is just a lightbulb, so they are all the same.
only difference is
white (2 lines a + and a -)
rgb (4 lines 3+ and a -)
rgbw (5 lines 4+ and a -)

Currently looking at led stripes…
mi light seems to be a good and cheap option but i like the idea of having the custom milight hub (, but there is no info about its compatibility with RGBW led stripes.
Anyone have experience with that? can recommend devices in europe (germany)?

creating the custom milight hub is still on my todo list, i hope it is compatible with rgbw because i have a few of those.

right now i use the cheap hub and it works like i want.

FUT039 controller is compatible with RGB+CCT (warm and cold light aka dual whites) led strips and it can be controlled with the emulator running on NodeMCU. For only RGBW there is FUT027 but is not compatible with RGB+CCT or FUT089 protocols so FUT039 should be the better choice.

Thanks, will start the project in the next month (with NodeMCU controller and LED) . I just ordered some GU10 Lights with remote and will add those then as well.
Will report back how everything went.

Yeah, by the way, I finally bought mi-lights and still waiting for some secondary stuff like rails to glue them to, but set one up around my desktop table. Works fine, except that I was unable to connect it in home assistant.

Here’s my config:

  - platform: limitlessled
    port: 8899
    version: 6
      - host:
        - number: 1
          type: rgbw
          name: PC Table
  - platform: hue
            - number: 1
              type: rgbw
              name: PC Table 2
      - platform: hue

Tried it with default port, and with this one, it show’s up in HASS UI, but switching\changing color has no effect on the strip. Ip is correct, but I’m not sure about port\version.

Hue works fine.

Port for V6 should be 5987.
What ledstrip controller are you using?
Might be one that is rgb only not rgbw (although the strip supports rgbw). For rgb+cct the type is rgbww.

Are you familiar with Arduino platform? You could run an emulator (see 3 posts above for the link) to replace all the ibox units which would be fully compatible with HA (also changing light from a remote would update state in HA). Control is done over MQTT which is much reliable than the UDP protocol used by the default MiLight units.

Thanks for reply,

It’s MiLight iBox2, and it seems to support RGBW, as there’s a working “Saturation” control in Android app, which basically controls the brightness of the W channel. Not sure if it’s V6 or some other though.

I’m familiar with Arduino, and I’ll look into it when\if I have time, for now I’d like to simply connect that box to HASS if possible.

Changing port to 5987 did not work

What kind of bulbs are you using?

Do you have a physical remote you can use to see if the lights work (either handheld or wall mounted)?

I have the same issue as @Michael_Davydov using the iBox 2 and FUT038. It works just fine on the Android App but I can’t get it to work in HA. I also have a physical remote that controls the FUT038 controller just fine.