Tuya Integration

Tuya integration takes a very long time to load. After loading during the day it works for a while and sometimes not with an error

request error, error code is HTTPSConnectionPool(host='px1.tuyaeu.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /homeassistant/skill (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fa01f9e20>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Operation timed out')), device None

Hi folks,
I’ve seen a few of us all in Discord talking about how the Tuya integration appears to now be broken.
Many are blaming it on Tuya, however I’m not so sure.

My SmartLife phone app is working PERFECTLY. See’s all devices, controls all devices, no issues.
Home Assistant is logging into Tuya without issue.

Home Assistant is seeing what devices in my house are available (eg; smart bulbs unavailable when off at the switch).

Home Assistant is seeing when devices are ON or OFF when they’re controlled by the app or manually at the switch.

However - Home Assistant is UNABLE to actually CONTROL the device!

Cases in point:

  • My Garage Light is a single gang wall switch. So always connected/available.
    I can turn the light on and off manually, or via the SmartLife app on my phone. HA will SEE the light state change. But HA CANNOT turn the light on/off itself.

  • My rear hallway has an RGB Wifi smart bulb. HA can see when it is available (power on at the switch) and when it is unavailable (offline because switch is off). HA can tell when it’s turned on or off via the SmartLife App, but HA cannot turn it on or off or change color/intensity…

This all leads me to think the issue isn’t with Tuya - their app is working fine. It’s with the HomeAssistant integration to Tuya…

Happy to discuss further, provide logs, yadda yadda yadda… :slight_smile:

I had an integration of Tuya and ice strips and it stopped working without changing anything. I removed the integration and added it again and it took a lot of time to connect. Entities were created and it still didn’t work. I removed the Tuya device and replaced Shelly on the local network and today I am satisfied. I don’t want more Tuya devices.

Stop with the blatant spam you Tuya bot

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Agree, >40x posting the same message within 1 hour is spam

It has been dealt with. Thank you for the reports.

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I was trying to add the new Tuya Integration, where you need to setup a developer account and link the devices via the qr code. However when i scan the qr code i get an error message saying: You can’t scan the QR Code to add a Device that is in use in another data center.
What should I do now?
I even created a new account for the tuya app but it still doesn’t work.

I managed to get back the old Integration with this repository: https://github.com/fuatakgun/tuya_v1 and HACS. But it is stll not the new one.

I am completely new to HA and trying to get started, but I have tried to install Tuya integration, but I cannot see any devices. I have registered in iot.tuya, and can see all my devices there so clearly that is working fine.

In HA configuration.yaml I did not see any Tuya settings or any additional files. I, therefore, tried to add it manually as seen in the attached screenshot but to no avail.

I have added the service APIs

IoT Core
Smart Home Scene Linkage
IoT Data Analytics
IR Control Hub Open Service
Beta APIs
Device Status Notification

In Configurations - Integrations, I do not see any devices.

What am I missing here? Any help would be appreciated.

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Login error (1106): permission deny with Google Autenticación

Hi team, i use HA late versión. I did IOT part and i see all my devices there. HA even detect tuya devices on my LAN and offer me to integrate them.

I use Smart Life with Google Autenticación and i get error 1106 when i try to integrate it. theres must be a password problem. Im using them Gmail pass.

Am i missing something?

I found no option but creating a new account and use an standard password (without Google Authentication). This way integration worked easily

Is there a way that you can add additional fields the tuya api is providing over the API into HA? I have a climate sensor that is also reporting the

      "code": "work_state",
      "value": "0"

over the API but it is not showing up in HA.