Continue Discussion 58 replies
July 2019


Nice! Happy Birthday! (nice jimmy jams too)

1 reply
July 2019 ▶ DavidFW1960

nickrout Solution Institution

Nice indeed.

July 2019

balloob Founder of Home Assistant

For the people interested in the code, the receiver app can be found here. The Python controller for the app can be found here.

1 reply
July 2019


Wow this is so awesome! Thanks for suprising us time and again with these cool solutions & Happy birthday!

July 2019


Happy Birthday! Nice work!

July 2019


Thats awesome.
Happy Birthday

July 2019


Happy Birthday.

Looking forward to hear more about the HA Cast

July 2019



I’d like to hear more about this :slight_smile:

July 2019


Happy birthday! sounds like a nice feature!

July 2019


Awesome ! Some questions :

  1. It doesn’t require Nabu Casa subscription ?
  2. Seems very long to cast in the vidéo, does it takes 1 minute to load ?
  3. Will it be possible to run it from the google nest itself instead click on the home assistant interface ?
1 reply
July 2019


I’d like to add to schmurtz question:

Can you also see a live stream as soon as an event is triggered?

July 2019


Happy birthday Paulus. Have a good one. Glad you got this going 5,5 years ago!

July 2019


Happy Birthday, sir!!!

July 2019


This is beyond awesome, hope to try it out ASAP.

July 2019


Looks cool, I haven’t quite come around to having mics installed all over the house … yet so no Google (stealing? the name) Home Assistant here yet.

But that functionality (beyond the GHA), isn’t that just what I already have with my old Surface Windows tablet/PC and Chrome + my HA??? Just with all the Windows world incl…

Still not convinced I need the GHA, Alexa, Samsung TV remote+MIC, Sonos+mic etc. The cloud is a thing I try to avoid with my HA as much as possible.

July 2019


Happy birthday, damn sounds like a awesome feature, can’t wait to play with it!! :smiley:

July 2019


Happy Birthday!
If this feature came to HA i would maybe buy at least one of these, but even without it, home assistant is so amazing!

July 2019 ▶ schmurtz

balloob Founder of Home Assistant

It won’t require a subscription. Your Home Assistant instance will need to be accessible outside of your network if you want to cast to a Chromecast outside of your network (as the Chromecast needs to talk to your instance)

It only took long to load because I synchronized it with the story. As soon as it said connected it could start showing a UI.

And to to run it from the Google Nest itself, you should be able to expose a Home Assistanr script via the Smart Home integration of Google Assistant that will open Home Assistant Cast.

2 replies
July 2019 ▶ balloob


Happy Birthday Paulus and thanks for all the hard work you have and are doing.

My house will never be boring thanks to Home Assistant. :tada::tada::+1:

July 2019


This is awesome! Actually makes the Google/Nest Hub worth it. I have one, and was kind of disappointed by the lack of usable features that the screen brings vs a regular assistant device. Happy Birthday Paulus

July 2019


maybe a stipid question, i dont own a “hub” yet, just some mini’s
but if you cast a screen to it, so you are actually using another frontend, can you still use GA on it?
does it still accept voice commands when GA is in background?

July 2019


Happy Birthday!!!

Nice nice news! Now I se why if need a Nest :smile:

July 2019


Guys you can see my implementation here if you don’t want to wait. As far as the home hub is concerned it’s just another casted stream like any other so the hub behaves as normal

July 2019 ▶ balloob


This looks very cool! So if I use a Xiaomi button as my doorbell, as I currently do I would think that it would be possible to have my camera turn on a live stream on a television that had a chrome cast hooked into it? Correct?

If so I may have to invest in one soon! That’s for all you and the team do! I love HA and everything it stands for! May thanks my friend!

July 2019


Cant wait for a tutorial on how to use this!

July 2019


This is so cool! This kind of stuf is why I love Home Assistant and the community so much.

July 2019


excited for tomorrow’s beta release

July 2019


Is balloob going to be in the next Macklemore music video?

July 2019


Will Google be able to access any of our data were we to choose to leverage Home Assistant cast?

1 reply
July 2019


That looks very interesting. Great idea to be able to trigger a cast to a screen in case of an event (like the doorbell you mentioned).

July 2019


Is it possible to cast different Lovelace screens to different hubs? So every room is personalised?

1 reply
July 2019 ▶ pergola.fabio


You can with the method I’m using (though it currently requires the use of a second Pi).

1 reply
July 2019


Awesome! Can’t wait. Happy birthday!!

July 2019 ▶ tungmeister



1 reply
July 2019 ▶ genericcooper


Basically you need to install “cast all the things” on a second pi which you can use to cast any URL. Use a command line switch with SSH to connect to the other Pi and trigger the catt. If you want to use Lovelace you’ll have to enable trusted networks auth and allow the IP of the device you’re casting to as it’s not possible to type on the Google home hub to enter login details.

1 reply
July 2019


Thanks for working on this. I’ve been pestering Google to allow webpages to load on the smart display for over a year now so I can use Home Assistant on the Smart Display.

Can’t wait to get this working!!!

July 2019

nickrout Solution Institution

Why a second pi?

1 reply
July 2019 ▶ nickrout


Because you can’t install the required catt on the pi unless you potentially set up another docker container which isn’t something I’ve looked into

scratch that, you can just use portainer to install catt directly into the home assistant container.

2 replies
July 2019 ▶ tungmeister

nickrout Solution Institution

Oh, I see you appear to be confusing home assistant with

July 2019


It’s not persistent there though and when you update HA it will disappear.

1 reply
July 2019


Wow. Good stuff buddy.

Is it pretty stable, like can leave a screen up for hours without it killing the cast? Could you have multiple casting? I have 4 devices Id like to cast too. I just got it setup on one, i love it. nice work.

1 reply
July 2019


Because of you I might not return my Google/Nest Home Hub after all. If you can implement the possibility to view the “Plant” (MiFlora) enteties on my Hub I would… well. I don’t know if a kiss from me is worth much to you… but I could send some cash for a beer or five in your direction! :grinning::+1:

July 2019 ▶ DavidFW1960


Yeah but it’s by far the easiest method of installing catt rather than another pi etc and would take 2 seconds to reinstall it.

July 2019


Sorry if this already have been covered or if I misunderstood the topic, but is it currently possible to cast the Lovelace UI already to a Chromecast device?

1 reply
July 2019 ▶ Yoinkz

sparkydave Know-it-All

Not yet released but if you run the code before it’s released you should be able to do it. See post 4

1 reply
July 2019 ▶ sparkydave


How can I use it, at the moment? Where do I have to place this files?

July 2019


Hell yes!!!

July 2019


Smart displays are finally useful! Do you think we could get it early if we pay or is it not ready? I would be willing to pay a patreon or something I have home assistant cloud. Thanks

July 2019 ▶ Darbos


If not maybe a automation?

July 2019 ▶ daphatty


Theoretically it is possible, but they likely won’t

July 2019 ▶ balloob


So should we use home-assisant-cast branch from pychromecast for and cast branch from home-assistant-polymer?

August 2019


I’m ready!

1 reply
August 2019 ▶ JesseWebDotCom


This is great It works perfectly on my nest Hub, anyone knows an automation to keep always casting? i Tried tô watch YouTube Just to teste and when returned It stopped casting home assistente.

March 2020


Did this stopped working for everyone?

March 2020


I can’t get this to work at all. And strangely nobody has mentioned it or said anything about why it fails to work.

I can cast from my laptop to my chrome cast with no problem but can’t setup automations to do so.

My fingers are crossed this eventually gets looked at by somebody that knows what they are doing…

November 2020


Is this effort dead?

November 2020

nickrout Solution Institution

not as far as i know.

March 2021


I use Home Assistant Cast to cast a Lovelace view with a single and very simple entity card to my Samsung 46 inch TV via a Goggle ChromeCast device. Everything works, except for the fact that the result on my TV is a tiny card with a lot of white space around it. The card fills less than 1/4 of the screen and it is centered at the top of the screen.
In reality, this is useless cause one cannot read the text from a normal viewing distance.
Is there a way to make a card fill the whole width of the screen ?
I have a feeling that changing the resolution of the ChromeCast would solve the issue, but regretfully, that’s not possible.