Looking forward to gifting a couple of Home Assistant Greens out to people I know will love and enjoy them. Great work to all on the team and in the wider community. Thanks!
I’d like to know how the change from durability to sustainability which specifically emphasizes saving electricity squares with the fact that this bug CPU usage bumped from 2% to 10% after Operating System 10.0 upgrade (caused by containerd) · Issue #2476 · home-assistant/operating-system · GitHub has been open since April, and still doesn’t have anyone assigned to it, despite reports by many people.
But meanwhile we’re wasting time changing the logo, and the wording of the mission statement.
Sounds like a lot of corporate jargon, while completely losing touch with the reality of what users actually care about.
Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been around for not quite half of that, and I have to say that HA is one of a kind; a welcome open-source port in a storm of corporations trying to monetize my every action.
That said, I do see where @ve6rah is coming from. New logos, pointless UI tweaks and a lack of focus on the underlying core functionality can make HA look more “corporate.” Off-loading the administrative overhead to Nabu Casa made sense, but at some point there’s the risk of letting the tail wag the dog. Are paid designers there to make our lives easier, or to fill their resumes with new and shocking designs which will make news in designer circles?
OK, that sounds pretty dark. We haven’t gotten there yet. But it’s a future that we should keep in mind, and try to avoid. I’ve seen more than one open-source project “go corporate.” It never ends well.
Happy Birthday HA, I think the world of you and am very happy with HA & my Yellow Box.
This being said, making news out of a new logo is pointless for many of us and it does indeed make you look like any commercial corporation. I am more interested in getting a clear ‘corporate’ status report on why MyQ integration is not working and when it will be resolved.
But again, all of you working at and with HA, thanks for doing a great job.
Happy Birthday Home Assistant!
I’ve been using HA for 5 of those 10 and despite the growing pains, I believe that the project is headed in the right direction.
Hopefully, with the introduction to of the Green, new users will have a viable plug and play startup experience. I think that the Yellow was victim to bad timing(all things Pi disappearing) and sticker shock for newbies.
As for the logo, it’s fine. Yeah, I’m probably also in the camp of “I liked the old one better” but the new one is fine. I just liked the house look of the older one better. It’s personal preference and the new one does look more modern and would likely scale much better too.
Some of us hold on to the past too long. It has been a problem in this community for a long time. “I like my yaml!”
I am really excited to see HA mature to the point where I feel like I can give it to my parents. It’s not quite there yet but I can see the day coming. That’s a big deal. As soon as a year ago, I don’t think I would have been that optimistic.
Thank you for being part of my life for 8 years. I have always dreamed of having a smart home but never had the budget to buy the systems i have worked on for years. Thanks you all you developers for bringing smart home to the hobbyist and tinkerers like myself.
Keep up the good work and here’s to the next 10 years. Cannot wait to see whats next.
Happy birthday Home Assistant!
I joined you 5 years ago and enjoyed your services every single day since then. Your success story is simply amazing. I am so curious about your future and it makes me proud to be a tiny part of it.
“Today we’re launching an often requested feature for Home Assistant Cloud: support for custom domains.”
The above quote from your blog is a great new feature, and much appreciated. Thank you for making this easy. It works very well for me.
My biggest fear is Home Assistant gets bought out by large competitor or someone wanting to quickly get into the home automation business. We all know what would happen then.
Happy birthday HA. and thanks for building an awesome community with awesome people!
I’ve been around now since dec 2019, and haven’t regretted a day.
Even managed to contribute an integration for my pellet stove (and it seems it is even used by some )
HA is open-source, if someone like a company wants to use it, it already can. It’s the push of a button to fork the repo and you have all you need. No costs involved!
For you and everyone else goes the same. Fork the repo and have a fun ride.
To get anything out of a buy, you’d need to convince nearly all current developers and team members to move away from practically all they live and worked hard for. Paulus said something in a sidenote, that I found very reassuring, not just because I know that feeling, it’s why I changed my profession some 25 years ago…
There is something very satisfying about making things change in the real world from your code.
Paulus Schousten via HA blog
It’s athe way you want to live your life, and if you can afford it by doing what you’re doing, you have reached a major life goal. From there on, the only chance to get these people to another job, is something more interesting, something challenging. And for the moment, I highly doubt there would be something on the horizon. These guys love what they do, it’s their baby, they would only give it up, if the other thing is so much more interesting, like flying to Mars…
I know how that must sound for a “normal” person, but coders and hackers are different people.
It’s not holding onto the past. It’s holding onto the better functionality of what made HA what it is today.
I honestly think that if HA started out today with it’s emphasis on creating/maintaining everything via a UI (like countless other automation platforms do) then it wouldn’t be as popular as it is.
It’s as popular as it is BECAUSE of that finer grained control via yaml and jinja for the advanced users along with the newer UI stuff for the newer/less techie users.
without the old stuff there wouldn’t likely have been the new stuff because there would be nothing to build upon.
Congrats! i’ll never forget spinning up version 0.38 and trying to figure out YAML for the very first time. I remember getting frustrated and giving up, then a month later trying again and getting the hang of it and never looking back