0.106.0 custom:mini-graph-card, blank UI editor

I updated to 0.106.0 this evening. All of my previously defined custom:mini-graph-card elements are no longer displaying. When I click the Configure UI button, all elements disappear. If I click Raw configuration editor, I can see everything defined, but they still do not appear via the UI editor. Essentially a blank screen with the header at the top and side menu.

I confirmed the /local/mini-graph-card-bundle.js?v=0.9.2 file still exists and it does. My custom:simple-thermostat seems to be working fine, so maybe something is amiss with the mini-graph-card? Not sure why this would come up now though and do not see anything specific in the release notes which would cause this.

[Update] Removed all the references to custom:mini-graph-card, now the UI paints and the editor works as anticipated. Must be something with the graph card, but this seems odd.

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No problems here. Updated from 0.105.2 to 0.106.0. All my mini-graph-cards are working, thankfully.

Did you manually install the mini-graph-card or use HACS?

Long time ago I manually installed. But about 6 months ago, I removed all manually installed items and switched to HACS. I keep it updated regularly.

I manually installed, so that may be the difference. Will try HACS and see how that goes. Appreciate the help.

Sure, I just checked, the HACS version of the card is at 0.9.3.

I was able to get the custom:mini-graph-card working by installing HACS, then installing the plugin. Feels much cleaner this way anyhow vs the manual install.

Hi guys,
had exactly the same problem. It appeared that initially I had custom:mini-graph-card installed manually, then switched to HACS, but the config line referring to local path of bundle.js was still there. I cleared the config, uninstalled and installed the card via HACS again and now it works like a charm.
Anyway, this place is where I found solution to my problem - thanks!