0.106.3: Coronavirus integration (COVID-19), track the outbreak

Are these mdi icons?

Will there or is there any card that you plan to release that will tell us about anything else? For example the common cold? HIV? Etc. I think having a list of viruses / diseased on cards would be hella cool and help alot of people out as well! If there is one, can anyone point me to it? Thanks!

Do you mean an integration?

I love your custom card and color scheme for the Corna card. Mind sharing your Lovelace config for the combo world and US graphs? Thanks much!

For those naysayers in regard to the utility of this integration, you might like to note that the GDACS integration was introduced in 0.106 without criticism even though it arguably covers disasters that may or may not cause more deaths in a year, yet no criticism that I have seen.

Not to mention the social utility of some integration to monitor your minecraft servers

My point is that all the integrations have utility to someone, and are viewed as useless by others. There are currently 1558 integrations, no one is going to use them all, but everyone uses at least 10 or so. The Queensland bushfire alert is of no value to me, but the NZ Quakes are. Similarly I don’t care when the buses run in Norway. But I would never suggest that these integrations are not valuable.

Each to their own.


68 posts were split to a new topic: COVID-19 discussion

The source you use for the numbers seems very unreliable. It says in NL all confirmed cases have recovered apart from 4 deaths

That is what JH is saying, contact them for corrections.

Here you go


add these to your sensors.yaml:

## Corona Virus Figures Comma Separated

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Worldwide Coronavirus Cases Confirmed
        value_template: "{{ '{0:,}'.format(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_confirmed.state | int) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: ""

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Worldwide Coronavirus Cases Infected
        value_template: "{{ '{0:,}'.format(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_current.state | int) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: ""

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Worldwide Coronavirus Cases Recovered
        value_template: "{{ '{0:,}'.format(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_recovered.state | int) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: ""

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Worldwide Coronavirus Cases Deceased
        value_template: "{{ '{0:,}'.format(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_deaths.state | int) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: ""

The ui-lovelace.yaml part:

          - type: glance
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            show_state: true
            title: Worldwide Coronavirus Figures
              - entity: sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_infected_comma_separated
                icon: 'mdi:emoticon-frown-outline'
                name: Infected
              - entity: sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_recovered_comma_separated
                icon: 'mdi:emoticon-happy-outline'
                name: Recovered
              - entity: sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_deceased_comma_separated
                icon: 'mdi:emoticon-dead-outline'
                name: Deceased
              - entity: sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_confirmed_comma_separated
                icon: 'mdi:emoticon-neutral-outline'
                name: Total

@Bit-River ooo, what font is that if you don’t mind me asking? Thanks!

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Yes they are

I updated my post with the code.

I updated my post with the code and some pictures

It’s Ubuntu :slight_smile:

I put this code under resources: at the start of my ui-lovelace.yaml

  - url: https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu
    type: css
  - url: /local/font.css
    type: css

And the font.css file looks like this:

body {
    font-family: "Ubuntu", sans-serif !important;
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 that kind of works.

It doesn’t give me comma-separated, but it does give me 118.7. The only problem is that it’s formatting the actual values instead of formating the presentation.

So all my graphs are flat because they’re all within a couple of hundredths of a point

Anyone else’s Mainland China gone to zero ?

Mine have but all rest are OK



Excellent, thank you, all working my end!

Sorry for the off-topic everyone.

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Hi, does any one have been able to implement an automation to remind us when arriving home to wash hands?

I think it should be something like this, but i would like to make it agnostic for every person in my home, so I do not have to do a automatizacion for each.

- id: '1570183263338'
  alias: Whash hands
  description: Clean hands when someone arrives home
  - entity_id: person.andre_lobo
    platform: state
    to: home
  condition: []
  - data_template:
      message: 'person.andre_lobo' please wash hands
    entity_id: media_player.tatu
    service: tts.google_translate_say

um, what happened to Canada eh?

I found they weren’t in alphabetical order.