0.106.3: Coronavirus integration (COVID-19), track the outbreak

Yeah, which is interesting as the UK government haven’t updated their page since yesterday morning!

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Great work!

If you check your fingers, there is an option not to press the buttons to install it.


In simple language, it’s a lot deadlier and transmits easier. The seasonal flu has a death rate of about 0.1-0.2%. There are a lot of cases, so the death numbers are high.

COVID-19 will eventually kill between 1.0-3.5% of everyone who gets it - that is, it’s about 10 to 35 times more deadly than the seasonal flu.

So if the flu kills 250k people, that means about 250 million people get the flu annually. Compare that to COVID-19 - in order to kill 250k people, COVID-19 would need to infect as little as 7.1 million people.

Now take into account that it transmits easier than the seasonal flu, which means left unchecked, it would infect far more than 250 million people, which means it would kill far more than the seasonal flu.

Stopping transmission is, literally, the only way this doesn’t kill millions upon millions of people worldwide.

Stay safe! :blush:


OK, I’m clearly doing something stupid. I updated hassio to the latest version ( 0.107.1), went to Configuration->Integrations, clicked on + but cannot find the Coronavirus integration, I see everything else:

what am I doing wrong?

Did you restart Home Assistant? Did you refresh your browser cache?

Duh! It was the browser cache, thanks @Burningstone !

The following works fine for me:

      - type: iframe
        aspect_ratio: 90%
        url: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Is there a way to create a graph that won’t reset after a HA restart?

Which graph card are you using?

Currently I’m using the custom graph card, I just started using it after this post.

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Could you share your cards configuration?

Sure, here you go!

- type: horizontal-stack


      - type: custom:text-divider-row

        text: Corona Virus

  - type: horizontal-stack


      - type: custom:text-divider-row

        text: US Cases

  - type: horizontal-stack


      - type: custom:mini-graph-card

        icon: mdi:virus-outline

        name: Confirmes

        font_size: 60

        hours_to_show: 300

        labels: true

        points: true

        show_icon: true

        show_points: false

        show_state: true

        smoothing: true

        legend: true


          - entity: sensor.us_confirmed

            color: '#F94113'

            font_size: 60

  - type: horizontal-stack


      - type: custom:mini-graph-card

        icon: mdi:virus-outline

        name: Deaths

        font_size: 60

        hours_to_show: 300

        labels: true

        points: true

        show_icon: true

        show_points: false

        show_state: true

        smoothing: true

        legend: true


          - entity: sensor.us_deaths

            color: '#2313F9'

            font_size: 60

  - type: horizontal-stack


      - type: custom:bar-card


          - type: custom:bar-card

            entity: sensor.us_recovered

            title: Recovered Cases in the US

            indicator: 'off'

            show_icon: false


              font-size: 12px


            - value: 0

              color: '#bf4040'              

  - type: horizontal-stack


      - type: custom:bar-card


          - type: custom:bar-card

            entity: sensor.us_current            

            title: Current Cases in the US

            indicator: 'off' 

            show_icon: false


              font-size: 12px


            - value: 0

              color: '#bf4040'
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If your graph is resetting then I’d say your recorder settings aren’t correct. The graph shouldn’t reset

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I figured out what I was doing wrong.

Is there a way to add “,” (commas) to the numbers so that they look a bit better?

You could use a template sensor based on the one that HA provides

You are correct, the graph is working fine, I was wrong with the state history. It was on the last changed attribute that resets after a restart. That is what I need to figure out.

Sorry, as with everybody life has been crazy lately and me being a “essential” worker, my jobs has me running around like crazy.

It’s now about a month since I posted those bullet points. Let’s review them in light of recent developments.

  • Depending on which country we use, the number of infected people now approaches or exceeds that of seasonal flu.
  • Global death rate remains at 2-3% but the average can be significantly higher in some countries, as much as 10% (and higher for certain age-groups and/or medical conditions).
  • Its characteristics are now better known but vaccines (approved for human use, production, and distribution) remain many months away (if not more).
  • Given its evident virulence, R0 remains at between 2 and 3.

For me, the most significant realization is its incubation period of up to 2 weeks.

  • From the standpoint of a virus, in order to survive, it must infect as many hosts as possible, so a long incubation period is ideal (i.e. you don’t want the host to fall ill or die before spreading to another host).
  • From the standpoint of the hosts (us), it’s diabolical. We can be asymptomatic for nearly 14 days, feeling fine but unknowingly shedding the virus and infecting others.

Please take all recommended precautions because, contrary to what early naysayers claimed, this is not like seasonal flu. Stay safe, remain informed, and good luck to you and your families.


…or down to 0.41% in Australia. Not saying this isn’t bad, but agreeing that the figures vary hugely around the world.

Considering the literal hell you already endured with the wildfires, 0.41% is fair dinkum.

(Hope I used that expression correctly).