0.116 Breaks casting to Nest Hub Displays

With my setup, I am using Google Nest Hubs throughout the house serving as displays via CATT. They are my family’s primary point of interaction with HASS and this has been a great solution for us.

However, upgrading to 0.116 (same with 0.117) causes an issue where most cards won’t update to reflect entities’ states. For example, if I tap a button card to toggle a light, the light will turn on but the button card won’t change to its “on” state.

Now the strange thing is that the only “broken” lovelace tab is the one that is initially sent via the cast. My catt command currently casts /lovelace-casting/overview, but if I navigate to another tab, the rest work fine. Likewise, if I change the cast_site to /lovelace-casting/ambience, then the ambience tab is broken but the overview tab works fine…

Anyone else experiencing this or able to help at all?

Well this topic didn’t get any attention, but in case anyone in the future needs to solve a similar problem, I was able to set up a pretty clean workaround using Browser Mod.

I added a view named “redirect” to my “casting” dashboard. I updated the CATT service calls in NodeRed to cast to /lovelace-casting/redirect instead of /lovelace-casting/overview.

I then added a separate flow in NR that uses regex to match every Nest Hub’s entity_id. It triggers when the path attribute of the sensor that Browser Mod creates for the Nest Hubs matches /lovelace-casting/redirect. After a 5 second delay, I call the browser_mod.navigate service to redirect the display to /lovelace-casting/overview.

It’s a little cumbersome, but it gets the job done and only adds 1-2 seconds to the cast process.