0.118: Grid and logbook cards, quick navigation, native template types

Since format number is related to language, we loose consistency on this. Backend and frontend is now using two different logic to format numbers. And as version 118.0, even in frontend, entities type card is using the format number according to the language (ex: 12,43$ in french), but sensor type card, and maybe other types, are using the old format (so: 12.43$). Also, it will be difficulty to have a consistency with format number if using differents customs card to lovelace… not sure it’s a great idea to format numbers according to language, maybe a separate setting is needed

In frontend, markdown type card is not using the new format number according to language, also sensor type card is not using the new format number according to language. So even if some custom cards are not supporting it yet, there is no consistency between cards in the current core release

Then the issue goes in the home assistant frontend repository, if there is not one there already. https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues

Same for me, page in a constant refresh loop and won’t load.

Under recent blog posts (as I posted earlier) click here

Yeah got it, was just confirming in case one of the devs hadn’t seen the other posts.

0.118.1 build failed anyway…

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Agree, what an awesome update! I’ve already configured a custom remote control using the grid card and my Broadlink mini. Wow! What a rewarding afternoon! Keep up the great work team!

Yup. Blinky blinky. Last time that happened it was because it was being updated…don’t know if that’s what’s happening now.

Yes, indeed, maybe a compatibility issue but I have quite a lot of custom modules:

Figured it out: all my yeelight entities got renamed (which kind of sucks:( ):

The PR mentions that it affects device unique ID and there was another PR to fix it. Doesn’t seem to be a global problem though.

I’ve also commented on your issue, but if you use !important after your height like height: 30px!important; it forces it to override the default height.

My smartthings integration has stopped working properly. I can control Smartthings from HA e.g. turn a light on, but any events from Smartthings e.g. the state of a sensor or light changing (which would start an automation) isn’t working

Hi, thanks but that’s what I already explained. Yes it works, but it’s not ideal because first the stylesheet is applied and then the card-mod css. This will result in a quick change between size after each reload of the tab. So you have the default height for a split second and then the css height of card-mod. The UI will jump every time you open a different lovelace view/tab or reload.

I agree. Format of numbers should not depend tightly on selected language. Language can decide about defaults, but exact format should be settable after that. Software development concluded this years ago so there is nothing left to argue.
Simply using particular language doesn’t mean that the person prefer given formatting. For example ISO date formatting is often preferable (especially in IT world).
Mentioned number format with comas as thousand separators make resulting numbers unusable when copying/pasting into code.

All of this have been discussed in WTH. So nobody can say he didn’t know it. I don’t even consider any programmer can overlook that. It’s like using Latin-1 as default database charset ignoring the fact there are languages which use letters from outside of this range.

Saying that I hope it’s just the first phase of this feature and we get personalized formatting soon in next versions of HA.

BTW is there currently an option to chose English language and stay without language specific formatting (no commas or spaces for thousands, ISO date time (no am/pm))?


I fixed the problem deleting the device and adding it again

Post 0.118 upgrade, I too had HACS issues. Logs showed:
Setup failed for hacs: Unable to import component:

My issue was with Bar-Card not reporting Ink levels in my printer. So, it had nothing to do with Time calculations.

The issue is that HACS needed to be upgraded prior to upgrading to 0.118. And if you update HA without HACS, you will not see HACS showing up in UI.

HACS is a custom component (separate devs from HA). So, it sits underneaths /config directory, and where configuration.yaml lives.

Steps to repair:

  1. Download new HACS zip from here: Installation | HACS
  2. Extract zip file
  3. Replace on your HA (/config/custom_components/hacs (I over-wrote the files)
  4. Restart HA and things should work properly

My HACS was already updated and working but the theme stopped loading today. It now just has a white background. Anyone else seen this? The background seems fine in system settings and the supervisor.

Edit: NM this is just chrome being trash at cache. Works fine in Firefox…

I was really hoping that the grid card would be more mobile friendly. Now if I make more than 3 columns it becomes almost unusable on mobile, which truly is a shame.

Do you have a screenshot you could share?