0.60 Hue entity_namespace Configuration

I have updated my HASS installation to 0.60, and it would appear that my entity_namespace configuration under my light component is now being ignored. I have the following configuration values.

  # Philips Hue
  - platform: hue
    entity_namespace: hue
    allow_hue_groups: false
# Hue
    - host:
      allow_hue_groups: false
      allow_unreachable: true
#      entity_namespace: hue

As you can see, the entity_namespace is defined in both components, but commented out in the hue component, as it breaks the configuration. However, it is not longer being processed under the light component. So, this has effectively broken all of my automations, because the entity_id’s of all of my lights have now changed. As far as I can tell, I have the option of either modifying all of my automations, rolling back to 0.59, or waiting for a fix. Any ideas?

Remove the light entry completely, it’s no longer required for hue.

The entity name space thing is broken at the moment, it’s a known bug, it’s being worked on.

Hope this helps