0.86: New Lovelace UI and Zigbee Management Panel!

Yepp, my scraper broke down to. I even did a clean install of my server (becaus of other issuse) and scraper still dead…

The new slugify means entity ids now follow strick rules. its so much easier to just fix your issues by reading the updated documentation your error links to than going back to an old version expecting it to continue working in the future.

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Thanks for the reply. I probably do have Apple betas on, I should have turned that off. I’ll do some more investigation on my end.

1000000x this. Just suck it up and fix it now.

> Blockquote
https://<myha>.duckdns.org/frontend_latest/app-3b4bb4ed.js:365:157 Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor
> Blockquote

I don’t know if there’s anyone have the same issue as mine. After upgrading to 0.86.0/1 , I always get a blank overview page while browsing externally and cause a “Illegal constructor” error message in syslog.
I use duckdns+ NGynx and https while I am not home. The strange thing is that it only happens on Google Chrome and IE, but M$ Edge would some how get in and redirected to https://.duckdns.org/lovelace/default_view.
How can I get back to a working overview page?

Can the community now please get a dedicated “Zigbee” sub-forum (equivalent to the “Z-Wave” subforum)?

Would be good to be able to have all threads about configuration of the ZHA component in one subforum.

I think that would show everyone in the community that Zigbee is finanly a first-class citizen in Home Assistant!

Your questions is answered here Suggestion: "Zigbee" sub-forum (equivalent to the "Z-Wave" subforum) here?

Zigbee panel only works with ZHA component, not with bridges/gateways like zigbee2mqtt or deCONZ. See:

ZHA component relies on the Zigpy library and unfortunatly it does not yet have support for CC253x dongles:

Zigpy supports different dongles but developers needs to first write a low-level library for each protocol used.


Could you elaborate on that please? I’ve read the link that is mentioned in the error message, but have no clue how to fix it …

There are actually many more than 3 solutions for controlling Zigbee devices with Home Assistant, but the ZHA component that is talked about in this blog post is actually is the only solution that is actually “running under Home Assistant”, that is a so-called native solution (running within Home Assistant runtime), as all the other solution rely on external bridges/gateways/hubs as middleware which converts to a language that Home Assistant understands, just like having a Philips Hue Hub, (main difference between using Philips Hue Hub and zigbee2mqtt or deCONZ is that those can run on the same hardware as Home Assistant while Philips Hue Hub only runs on its dedicated hardware).

To summarize; the ZHA component is a native solution that is fully integrated into Home Assistant and therefore with it you just need to plugin your adapter hardware in the same computer running Home Assistant. With other solutions like zigbee2mqtt and deCONZ you could technically run them on a other computer and have the solution communicate over your local network.

Thank you, resolve my problem.

I am clicking the upgrade button in the Hassio panel, then after a while the system is unresponsive, like usual during update, but when it boots up it is still 0.85.1? Others with same problem?

Same problem here. Log doesn’t help - don’t have any invalid config entries. Dont have any __ in configs.

that whole thing is quite confusing. the post about the zigbee management doesnt say ANYTHING about ZHA.
I do have 2 seperate Zigbee networks (zigbee2mqtt and hue hub) and cant use it. So in the end its only a ZHA management.

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Ever since upgrading, I get the following error in my logs when accessing Lovelace via Chrome 71.0.3578.98 on macOS (it works in Safari on my phone).

https://xxxxxx.duckdns.org:8123/frontend_latest/app-3b4bb4ed.js:365:157 Uncaught 
TypeError: Illegal constructor
4:40 PM components/system_log/__init__.py (ERROR)

and the following error in Chrome’s console

Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor
    at CSSResult.get styleSheet [as styleSheet] (app-3b4bb4ed.js:365)
    at renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets.styles.map.s (app-3b4bb4ed.js:377)
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at HTMLElement.adoptStyles (app-3b4bb4ed.js:377)
    at HTMLElement.initialize (app-3b4bb4ed.js:377)
    at new UpdatingElement (app-3b4bb4ed.js:344)
    at new lit_element_LitElement (app-3b4bb4ed.js:377)
    at new <anonymous> (app-3b4bb4ed.js:1305)
    at new <anonymous> (8ee9235853b66c6b78f9.chunk.js:1071)
    at new hui_root_HUIRoot (8ee9235853b66c6b78f9.chunk.js:5370)

I am not the only one — someone else mentioned the exact same error (and Chrome version) on Discord.

Which version of Chrome are you using? I am on 71.0.3578.98 and get the same error.

I’ve got a Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 and got the answer as well : It’s a Google Chrome thing. An experimental feature has to be disabled for this issue.

Try this:

  1. put this : “chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features” in the url bar
  2. Disable the feature.
  3. Wait for the re-launch.

I can re-create the issue by having the feature enabled on a working one.


I installed 0.86.2 today and hey presto the apple tv stuff is back.

I had this error message while updating:

Successfully built ruamel.yaml bcrypt aiohttp
Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

It doesn’t appear to have stopped Home Assistant from working (it didn’t start up after the update but that was due to a double underscore in one of the entities I had under the customize section), is it something I should worry about or can I ignore this?

minutes: 5

Seems not to work anymore since this upgrade because it seems related to:

Another noteworthy breaking change (sorry!), is that the automation time trigger has been split into two: time and time_pattern . If you had a time trigger containing the keys hours , minutes or seconds , update the platform from time to time_pattern

I used this often in my automations:


  • entity_id: binary_sensor.sensor_2
    platform: state
    to: ‘off’
    minutes: ‘5’

And now I get an error saying that ‘minutes’ is not allowed in automations.
Lot of troubles last months when updates come available. Is Home Assistant stille the way to go?

can’t update to 0.8.6. I tried woth verios 0.86.1 and 0.86.2 without succes. Bellow what my logs says:
19-01-25 19:22:30 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Updated Home Assistant API token
19-01-25 19:23:51 INFO (SyncWorker_19) [hassio.docker] Run command ‘python3 -m homeassistant -c /config --script check_config’ on homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant
19-01-25 19:24:38 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Home Assistant config is valid
19-01-25 19:24:38 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Stop homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 19:24:51 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 19:24:54 INFO (SyncWorker_17) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.85.1
19-01-25 19:25:25 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Detect a running Home Assistant instance
19-01-25 19:38:42 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.docker] Run command ‘python3 -m homeassistant -c /config --script check_config’ on homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant
19-01-25 19:39:29 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Home Assistant config is valid
19-01-25 19:39:29 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Stop homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 19:39:42 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 19:39:47 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.85.1
19-01-25 19:40:18 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Detect a running Home Assistant instance
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.snapshots] Full-Snapshot 3ce4514a start
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.snapshots] Snapshot 3ce4514a store Add-ons
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on a0d7b954_jupyterlablite
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_check_config
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on a0d7b954_influxdb
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_samba
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_mosquitto
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_configurator
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_duckdns
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_ssh
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_samba
19-01-25 19:46:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_configurator
19-01-25 19:46:54 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_check_config
19-01-25 19:46:54 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_mosquitto
19-01-25 19:46:55 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_ssh
19-01-25 19:46:55 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon a0d7b954_jupyterlablite
19-01-25 19:46:55 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_duckdns
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon a0d7b954_influxdb
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.snapshots] Snapshot 3ce4514a store folders
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder share
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder homeassistant
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_9) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder addons/local
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder ssl
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder share done
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_9) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder addons/local done
19-01-25 19:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder ssl done
19-01-25 19:57:30 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder homeassistant done
19-01-25 19:58:18 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.snapshots] Full-Snapshot 3ce4514a done
19-01-25 20:02:30 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Updated Home Assistant API token
19-01-25 20:18:14 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant to version 0.86.2
19-01-25 20:18:14 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Update Docker 0.85.1 with homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.86.2
19-01-25 20:18:14 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant tag 0.86.2.
19-01-25 20:27:47 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.86.2 as latest
19-01-25 20:27:47 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Stop homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 20:28:22 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 20:28:23 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Cleanup Docker images: [‘homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.85.1’]
19-01-25 20:29:05 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.86.2
19-01-25 20:39:10 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Don’t wait anymore of Home Assistant startup!
19-01-25 20:39:10 CRITICAL (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] HomeAssistant update fails -> rollback!
19-01-25 20:39:10 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant to version 0.85.1
19-01-25 20:39:10 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Update Docker 0.86.2 with homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.85.1
19-01-25 20:39:10 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant tag 0.85.1.
19-01-25 20:43:19 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.85.1 as latest
19-01-25 20:43:19 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Stop homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 20:43:40 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application
19-01-25 20:43:40 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Cleanup Docker images: [‘homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.86.2’]
19-01-25 20:44:02 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.85.1
19-01-25 20:44:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Detect a running Home Assistant instance
19-01-25 20:44:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Successful run Home Assistant 0.85.1

Any ideas what can i do?

It is a mess because your groups are not loaded, probably because you have an entity in there with a double _ or a _ at the end or beginning.

Same for @tmeringer

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