0.87: SmartThings, Areas and Entity Registry UI.

What’s unclear? It’s asked in my first post… What are the functions of the three numbers in the array? The API docs don’t list an array like this HA component so they don’t explain it. In the API example there are only two numbers in an array and even then, they specify a duration value by name. Surely the HA doc’s should be complete enough to not required referencing an external website, especially one which doesn’t even have the same syntax

Sorry @JClumbo - I deleted my post… because it was my issue. I can set up ‘predefined’ incoming IP addresses that can use the (incoming) port forwarding and it was configured to be too restrictive. Once I removed that it worked for me… and actually very well.

I’m very impressed with this integration. The only thing maybe it should have within the ST app is the usual ‘enabling’ of which devices are to be exposed. In HA Lovelace new devices end up in the ‘unused entities’ which sort of achieves the same thing but I feel it should be done within ST from a logical and security perspective.

https://yeelight.readthedocs.io/en/stable/yeelight.html#yeelight.TemperatureTransition That’s the api for that method, and numbers in the array are parameters, in that order. So looking at the docs, first is degrees, second duration and third brightness. All described in the docs. If you got idea how to improve that docs, its welcome for sure.

Do you know how to add more than one sensor? I have whole punch of lights/switches reporting power that I want to add to the utility meter but not sure of the context.

Outstanding work in this release. I was having difficulty connecting Tasmotized Sonoffs and SmartThings hub via MQTT. This could not have come at a better time. I was wondering if there would be any consideration for adding in support for SmartThings temperature sensors? I’m using Samsung Multi Sensors, and now they are reporting the binary sensors open/close and acceleration on/off. Thanks again for adding this in, keep up the great work!!

Followed instructions but can’t get hassio to accept ST token.
Enter Personal Access Token:
Unable to setup the SmartApp. Please try again.

You create a utility meter for each of the sensors.

Seems a few users are getting “Unable to setp the SmartApp. Please try again.” when integrating ST. I am also getting the issue. I have SSL enabled through duckdns and I have regenerated the token several times. I am not seeing any log error in the main system, but is there another log area I should be checking?

Thanks, but does that create separate ‘meters’ for each ‘source’ or does it aggregate the data?

it creates a meter per source.

If you want to aggregate, I propose you add a sensor.template that sums all of the sensors and then feed that sensor.template into the utility_meter.

The rest of us were using SSH, not password.

As I said, it would just be nice if the HA docs had ALL the information required without needing to cross-reference to the Yeelight API docs. That can be as simple as describing the function of the three values in the array, and giving details of the values to be used for each of the available functions. But thank you for your work on this, I hate to sound negative. This is a great addition to the Yeelight component

Just updated to 0.87.0 getting error on my sense energy monitor.

Any suggestions?

SmartThings integration worked for me. The only thing that didn’t come across was my First Alert Smoke/CO sensors. Would have been nice to have them in HA.

Seems you have an eye for what makes good documentation. There is a link on the top right of the page to edit it, looking forward to your contribution!

unfortunately I got roasted last time I tried that… not going to go down that path again

EDIT: I gave in and tried… hopefully it’s worthy :zipper_mouth_face:

Hi @balloob I have created a pull request to include some additional infomation on the custom_effects in the Yeelight docs. Hopefully it is ok. Thanks for your awesome work on this project by the way.

# Update light.yeelight.markdown #8446


sorry for the late reply… this is in my consumption package for all my power sensors.

    source: sensor.emoncms_downstairs_kwh
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_dryer_kwh
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_freezer_kwh
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_heater_kwh
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_kitchen_kwh
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_kitchen_kwh
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_solar_kwh_with_adj
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_sump_kwh
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_usage_kwh_sub_solar_offset
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.emoncms_downstairs_kwh
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_dryer_kwh
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_freezer_kwh
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_heater_kwh
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_kitchen_kwh
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_kitchen_kwh
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_solar_kwh_with_adj
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_sump_kwh
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.emoncms_usage_kwh_sub_solar_offset
    cycle: weekly

I too had trouble setting up MQTT bridge and was waiting for this release.
Great work.
I only use ST as a hub to capture some Zigbee temperature sensors.
Are there any plans to incorporate tenperatre senors ? Or should i revert to the painful process of fault finding my MQTT bridge ?

After submit ST token. Nothing changed still on submit popup page