1.5.0 Feedback

Push notifications in the latest build seem very flaky. If HASS gets restarted at all, they seem to stop working (and start working again under no discernable circumstances).

I haven’t found that at all. It has been very reliable. Have you updated your push settings in the app?

The “Current Network Name” is at “Unknown” when I connect to home wifi. Does any one else have this issue?
I have the “Use Internal URL” setting enabled and currently using the 1.5.0 (24) version.

Multiple times.

EDIT: My fault; ignore the above. :joy:

“Added payload logging to device tracker service calls.”

This in 1.5.0(26).

How do I follow this logging?


With the latest version(1.5(26)) I seem to be having issues with the app randomly entering/exiting my home zone via a beacon while I am still at home. Sometimes it’s when moving between rooms occasionally it’s when the phone hasn’t moved and is in one room.

I have one beacon setup at home and i just use it for updating my location when I arrive home. I rely on GPS for exiting the home zone.

I have the same issue. Also with the build 26.

I’m having the complete opposite problem. I cant get iBeacons to trigger at all. I only get (infrequent) gps updates.

How are your zones and iOS tracking settings set?

Mine are:

zones.yaml contains:

- name: 'Home'
  latitude: !secret home_lat
  longitude: !secret home_long
  radius: 50

customize.yaml contains:

  track_ios: true
    uuid: E2C56DB5-DFFB-48D2-B060-D0F5A71096E0
    major: 0
    minor: 0

My iOS app tracker settings in the ios app are:like so (click to enlarge):

(note screenshot was taken before I updated the radius to 50m) it has updated to 50m).

So far 1.5 is working very good for me and my wife!

The kids are running 1.1.1 since they cannot run TestFlight due to an age restriction (13y old minimum) and I have no success running the location tracking on their phones.

When is the plan to release 1.5 it to the public?

Only showing the badge number on the Home screen still does not function without also using a message.I guess it was meant to work in app release 1.1.1.
“Support customization of notification display options (see online docs for this, but allows you to specify badge/alert/sound or any combination of the three for each notfication”

I have significant location change updates disabled and enter/exit zone notifications by ibeacon enabled:

Yet I still see this:


After having used it more since build 26 was live. The random enter/exit via beacon does happen when the phone is locked but I have noticed it drastically increases when using the app itself.

I’ve got a real fun bug in this build and the previous, and I just now figured out it was the HA app. I’m not sure exactly what’s happening but it’s fucking with my battery readings – my phone starts into a loop where it restarts every ~3 minutes or so. While it’s locked (during this loop), it always shows battery level being at 1%. Once I put in my passcode to unlock it or start an app from the lock screen (camera, timer, etc) it just back to whatever percentage it was at previously. A few minutes later, it’ll reboot again, repeat ad infinitum.

The only way that I’ve found to STOP this loop is to straight-up delete the HA app. As soon as I do that, problem solved! It’ll then go a few weeks before it happens again.

I’m on a 64Gb 6s, latest non-beta version of iOS, latest beta build of HASS. I know there’s a good deal of logging built into TestFlight and iOS so I’ll be happy to send you whatever logs I can that would help.


iBeacon seems to have gone very strange with build (27) it advises I have just entered my a region via iBeacon and I only have 1 beacon setup which is in my home. Even though it advises I have entered a region via beacon the status advises I am away when I am at home

I have problem with latest beta update.
On iphone 7 i have white upper phone status bar.
No antena icon, no clock or battery. only white bar.
On bottom where is config icon and update icon i have white bar.

No solution, sorry. But how did you change the top colour and icons in the bottom to match your theme?

Hi @WonderMoose

I use a theme somebody else created on a HA thread. I cannot remember which one it was but below is a copy of the theme config for the frontend.

Sorry I cannot be anymore help.

Thanks a lot. I will have a look into it :blush:

ibeacons are not working at all. I’m going back to Owntracks.

I‘m the only one who denies location services for the app? I get always the pop up to allow them. Even if I deny