1Wire OWFS : DS2405

I am running Jeedom today and will probably move to Home Assistant.
I have plenty of 1wire stuff and want to continue to use it.
2 Raspberry running OWFS with around 25 devices on total, temp and relays mainly.

I get it working straight forward with OWFS HA integration, but several devices do not appear in HA.
They are present on OWFS and can be switched on/off
Old ones like DS2405. Is the a way to edit something to add it ?

Thanks in advance !

PS: no 1wire tag available in the forum, perhaps this can be added

Replying myself.
edited switch.py in components/onewire


    "05": [
            "path": "PIO",
            "name": "PIO",
            "type": SWITCH_TYPE_PIO,
            "default_disabled": True,

DS2405 works a bit differently, as PIO change mode from ON to OFF or OFF to ON.
And sensed value is 1 for status OFF and 0 for Status On
So code needs a bit more change to handle ON/OFF commands, looking first for sensed value, then sending 1 to PIO or not.
Sensed value need probably to be added in sensor.py. I need to look closer at all that.

Brand new in HA and not so much time available so I will need some time to figure that
But that’s part of fun :slight_smile:

hi, this post is realy old, but it seems you integrated the 1wire sensors (e.g. DS18B20) in to HA installation!

I tried this several times - without sucess!!

Thank you for help!

Hi, 1wire is working perfecly on HA for all that time on my HA, stable.
Just uses OWFS integration and it’s fine.
On my side I used 2 raspberry with USB Controler DS9490R to avoid too long wire, OWFS installed locally on each Raspberry (didtn used 1wire native controller on raspberry as I already had the 2x DS9490R…)
But honestly, I have less and less 1wire, using now Zigbee with sonoff USB adpater + Zigbee2MQTT, and its perfect for T°, Relays, Switch, door, radar…

thank you for your fast answer! Sorry for my bad english!

On my Raspi i used in a former installation without Homeassistant the temperature sensors DS18B20!

Now i use the complete image from Homeassistant - I allready installed owfs - but I think the gpio inputs are not yet activated - no 1wire sensors appearing?

Check config owfs.conf
By default you have a fake controlleur.
Try using command line with --debug option to check

Example with DS9490R

/usr/bin/owserver -u --debug &

libow version:
  DEBUG: ow_daemon.c:(170) main thread id = 548412916864
  DEBUG: ow_inotify.c:(80) No configuration files to monitor
CONNECT: ow_dnssd.c:(81) Zeroconf/Bonjour is disabled since dnssd library isn't found
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:(174) path=[]
  DEBUG: owlib.c:(77) Global temp limit 0C to 100C (for fake and mock adapters)
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^$> compiled to 0x7fb07321d0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^all$> compiled to 0x7fb0732210
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^scan$> compiled to 0x7fb0732250
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^\*$> compiled to 0x7fb0732290
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}$> compiled to 0x7fb07322d0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^-?[[:digit:]]+$> compiled to 0x7fb0732310
]*$> compiled to 0x7fb0732350Ex expression <^ *([^ ]+)[
]*$> compiled to 0x7fb0732390Ex expression <^ *([^ ]+) *: *([^ ]+)[
]*$> compiled to 0x7fb07323d0Ex expression <^ *([^ ]+) *: *([^ ]+) *: *([^ ]+)[
  DEBUG: ow_usb_cycle.c:(169) Compare (add,bus) (4,1) with (-1,-1) handle (nil)

  DEBUG: ow_usb_msg.c:(200) <LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND> Could not release kernel module
DEFAULT: ow_usb_msg.c:(214) Opened USB DS9490 bus master at 1:4.
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:(174) path=[]
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:(174) path=[/uncached/bus.0]
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^bus\.([[:digit:]]+)/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732430
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^settings/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732470
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^statistics/?> compiled to 0x7fb07324b0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^structure/?> compiled to 0x7fb07324f0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^system/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732530
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^interface/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732570
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^text/?> compiled to 0x7fb07325b0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^json/?> compiled to 0x7fb07325f0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^uncached/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732630
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^unaliased/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732670
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^alarm?> compiled to 0x7fb07326b0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^simultaneous/?> compiled to 0x7fb07326f0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^thermostat/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732730
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^/bus\.[[:digit:]]+/?> compiled to 0x7fb0732770
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <\.> compiled to 0x7fb07327b0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <\.all$> compiled to 0x7fb07327f0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <\.byte$> compiled to 0x7fb0732830
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <\.[[:digit:]]+$> compiled to 0x7fb0732870
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <\.[[:alpha:]]$> compiled to 0x7fb07328b0
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(100) 0: 0->5 found <><bus.0><>
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(100) 1: 4->5 found <bus.><0><>
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_dir.c:(69) path=/uncached/bus.0
   CALL: ow_dir.c:(104) path=/uncached/bus.0
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:(174) path=[/uncached/bus.0/interface]
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(100) 0: 0->5 found <><bus.0><>
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(100) 1: 4->5 found <bus.><0><>
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(24) Reg Ex expression <^([[:xdigit:]]{2})\.?([[:xdigit:]]{12})\.?([[:xdigit:]]{2}){0,1}$> compiled to 0x7fb07328f8
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(53) Not found
  DEBUG: ow_usb_cycle.c:(62) Callback on /uncached/bus.0/interface
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(133) /uncached/bus.0/interface
  DEBUG: ow_search.c:(31) Start of directory path=/uncached/bus.0 device=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(674) Index 0
  DEBUG: ow_select.c:(69) Selecting a path (and device) path=/uncached/bus.0 SN=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  DEBUG: ow_select.c:(81) Clearing root branch
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(562) DS9490 RESET. changed 15, flex: 1
   DATA: ow_ds9490.c:(1008) set flexible speed
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(613) DS9490_Reset: OK
  DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(112) send = 0
  DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(130) readin = 0
  DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(207) end = 0
  DEBUG: ow_select.c:(247) No DS2409 microlan hub found at this level
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(562) DS9490 RESET. changed 0, flex: 1
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(613) DS9490_Reset: OK
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(750) Got 16 bytes from USB search
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(778) gulp. Adding element 0:28 F0 B2 46 5F 20 01 F2
  DEBUG: ow_ds9490.c:(692) SN found: 28 F0 B2 46 5F 20 01 F2
  DEBUG: ow_search.c:(73) Device found: 28 F0 B2 46 5F 20 01 F2
  DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 F0 B2 46 5F 20 01 F2 bus=0
  DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 F0 B2 46 5F 20 01 F2 pointer=0x7fb0731cd4 index=0 size=4
  DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 F0 B2 46 5F 20 01 F2 bus=0
  DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 F0 B2 46 5F 20 01 F2 pointer=0x7fb0731cd4 index=0 size=4
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:(174) path=[/uncached/bus.0/28.F0B2465F2001]


i am new here
have fhem since 7 years
with some 1wire temperature sensosrs
looking for information how to integrate it in HA.
i am windows user and Linux i a total different world for me
like this it is in my fhem integration:

 define Temp_Heizung_VL OWTHERM DS18B20 4A83CE040000
setuuid Temp_Heizung_VL 5
attr Temp_Heizung_VL IODev USB9097
attr Temp_Heizung_VL group Temperatur
attr Temp_Heizung_VL model DS1822
attr Temp_Heizung_VL room OWX
attr Temp_Heizung_VL tempHigh 75
attr Temp_Heizung_VL tempLow 70

my HA system is running on a Intel nuc
my Fritzbox works perfect also my Heishamon,
homeatic will work with HA as i have seen, if i have done the 1wire, i will take all homematic too.

what have i to do, to install owserver on my Nuc

as easy as the heishamon integration ?
would be great to get an answer here
or directly to my email Franz at tenbrock point de