Hello, I’m having trouble with my 2.4 GHz Wifi network if my Prod and Stage environments are both active. The stage environment is a copy of the Prod and was restored from a Prod backup. I’m running HA on two different RPIs. They are both attached via Ethernet cable to my router. Their IP addresses are:
If they are both up and running, my 2.4 GHz Wifi is completely flooded (at 95 %) , so that no communication is possible. That’s a problem for all the smart home devices, which are only connected on that frequence.
Attached is a screenshot of my FritzBox 7590AX which shows the Wifi usage with the peaks and normal usage:
I tried already switching the stage to WiFi mode. With that the usage was down to normal for a few days. But after a reboot it was flooded again. I also disabled all the integrations and add-ons. Attaced are screenshots of both :
uuhhh, I hope you have control of your mDNS network setup, because The Home Assistant application will try to grab the homeassistant.local name by default.
If you do not control this, then they might flip-flop back and forth all the time causing a lot of mess up on the network.
Other discovery protocols might behave similar!
I am not sure if the name in the Settings → System → Network is affecting mDNS too, but try as a start to make sure those are different.
And remember to restart the entire host, not just HA after the change!
Hi Wally, thanks for your response. I tried to change the name. It is then better for a couple of minutes and then again completely meesed up. The names for the instances under Settings → System → Network are:
I just noticed that you created one of the copies from a backup.
I am not sure what effect that will have on devices that do local push messages. Often these can only serve one master and in your setup both HA seems to be masters with the same authorization keys, because they are clones.
Yes that’s right. But what’s weird is that I disabled all integrations and add-ons yesterday and the WLAN was still a mess. I would have expected that the instance was then just a shell without any functionality which then would lower the wlan usage. Am i wrong with this assumption ?
It is hard to say, but I would have guessed so too.
If the WiFi is flooded, then it could take a while to calm down again, so try to restart the system once the integrations are disabled.