Hello, I would like to use a dual colored led in one of my projects. It’s just red and green. Is there any way of treating it like a RGB led but just with those two channels, so that I can pick any color just between red and green mixed up?
No one could possibly tell you without knowing what your led device is.
Hi, did you ever find a solution to this? I’m trying to achieve the same, I have buttons with a two-color (red and green) LED. Just normal LEDs, which can directly be connected to a PWM output on the ESP. I can control them using two individual monochromatic light outputs. However I would like to be able to treat it as a RGB LED so I can easily set the color orange, for example.
The RGB Light Component requieres a pin for each color, sadly. It would probably work just fine if I would select a unused pin of the ESP32 for the blue channel, however I’m connecting 8 of those Buttons and don’t have 8 free pins to waste.