In lovelace, the media player with the 2 sources can start a playback on the Echo devices. The other one can only start a playback on my chromecast devices when Spotcast is installed.
I’d like to play from both spotify accounts on all devices (Chromecast and Amazon Echo).
How is this possible?
I beleive it is like tou have configured it in your alexa account, there you have connected/linkedyour spotify aacount.
But again, I am not sure, google is full of it… I investigated A LOT of time in this but never got it orking to have:
multiple spotify accounts connected to multiple alexa’s (thus any user can select any “player”.
This is the script i used which selects the ‘first’ spotify account. I can not figure out how to tell HA to use my son’s account for his baby music and white noise (its messing up my discover weekly lol)