2 Spotify accounts -> different media players

Hi guys, I am having some strange behaviour which I don’t understand.

I have added the following to my configuration.yaml:

  client_id: !secret spotify_client_id
  client_secret: !secret spotify_client_secret

Then I added 2 different Spotify accounts via Configuration -> Integration -> Spotify.

Now I have 2 new media_player as expected, but …
one of them shows me a source_list with my Amazon Echo devices, the other one doesn’t:

In lovelace, the media player with the 2 sources can start a playback on the Echo devices. The other one can only start a playback on my chromecast devices when Spotcast is installed.

I’d like to play from both spotify accounts on all devices (Chromecast and Amazon Echo).
How is this possible?

Don’t think it is possible… there is a 1to1 relation between an alexa and spotify account.

There are some vague workarounds but I never managed to get anything working.

So, the first connection “wins” and will be related to my alexa account? Or is it completely random?

I beleive it is like tou have configured it in your alexa account, there you have connected/linkedyour spotify aacount.

But again, I am not sure, google is full of it… I investigated A LOT of time in this but never got it orking to have:
multiple spotify accounts connected to multiple alexa’s (thus any user can select any “player”.

Some examples:

did anyone find an answer to this?

        - service: media_player.play_media
            entity_id: "media_player.nursery"
            media_content_id: 'https://open.spotify.com/album/4IjjmD5S292op49x0kc677'
            media_content_type: music

This is the script i used which selects the ‘first’ spotify account. I can not figure out how to tell HA to use my son’s account for his baby music and white noise (its messing up my discover weekly lol)