2021.11 - Setup failed for button: Integration not found


Since 2021.11, I have this notification at every HA restart, saying that there is an issue with a “button” integration.

Here is the log screenshot:

Unfortunately, I have no idea what this is about. I don’t think I changed anything related to buttons recently, and I don’t see any custom integration/add-on/HACS that could cause this issue.

I don’t find anything on google either … so I post here, maybe someone else found the root cause of this ?

Thanks !

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You (erroneously) have this somewhere in your config:


I scanned all my files but I did not find this “button:” declaration.
However I found the integration causing the issue: hass-livebox-component
After disabling it, the problem disapear. An issue related to this has been created on this custom integration.
Thanks for the help !


Thanks for finding I too have this issue!

I’ve been getting this as well for awhile now, but I don’t have the Livebox component installed or “button” anywhere in my config.

I am also seeing this error, I dont have anything that has “button” in the name