2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

Lifx set_state and effect services are still broken in 2021.4.5.

I have many such Dave so it’s not that. Also in Packages so not that either.

HomeKit infusion theme?

I have taken WeatherUnderground out of my configuration and the Configuration Yaml now works with !Secrets implemented. I have been using a modified unsupported version as a custom component.

I’ll give that a try and report back.

Thanks for the suggestion, but no, only theme is called Clear theme.

I am running this too, I will remove and also report back

Disabling the wundergroundpws custom component appears to have resolved the issue for me.
Thanks very much for the suggestion! Will log an issue with the dev

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You have a link to the repo? I’m interested to see why that integration would need to modify the yaml loading process.

GitHub - cytech/Home-Assistant-wundergroundpws: Home Assistant custom component sensor for Weather Underground personal weather station users

I’ve since updated to the most recent version of the wundergroundpws custom component and it is also passing the system upgrade check. I’m just taking a snapshot and will update with this updated version.

edit: confirmed 2021.4.5 working after upgrading wundergroundpws to v0.2.1

Thanks everyone for your suggestions and assistance :+1:

Yes I had the same issues, the Blueprint automations stop working for my Ikea and Xiaomi buttons. The automations I created still work. Button presses were being recorded. I didn’t have time to sort it out so I downgraded using “ha core update --version 2021.4.4”, back to normal now.

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Try this:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Theatre Fan"
    command_topic: "theatrefan/cmnd/FanSpeed"
    state_topic: "theatrefan/stat/RESULT"
    state_value_template: >
      {% if value_json.FanSpeed is defined %}
        {% if value_json.FanSpeed == 0 -%}off{%- elif value_json.FanSpeed > 0 -%}on{%- endif %}
      {% else %}
        {% if states.fan.theatre_fan.state == 'off' -%}off{%- elif states.fan.theatre_fan.state == 'on' -%}on{%- endif %}
      {% endif %}
    # availability_topic: tele/theatrefan/LWT
    payload_off: "off"
    payload_on: "on"
    # payload_available: Online
    # payload_not_available: Offline
    percentage_command_template: >
      {% if value <= 10 %}
      {% elif value <= 33 %}
      {% elif value <= 66 %}
      {% elif value >=67 %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
    percentage_command_topic: "theatrefan/cmnd/FanSpeed"
    percentage_state_topic: "theatrefan/stat/RESULT"
    percentage_value_template: >
      {% if value_json.FanSpeed == 1 %}
      {% elif value_json.FanSpeed == 2 %}
      {% elif value_json.FanSpeed == 3 %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

You can then hit the slider anywhere in that range and it’ll snap to the relevant speed. Only way you’re going to be able to get the old ‘low/med/high/off’ is with a custom card. I’m using this one GitHub - finity69x2/fan-percent-button-row: Frontend plugin to control fans in Home Assistant using percent values for speeds - config:

    - type: entity
      entity: fan.theatre_fan
          type: custom:fan-percent-button-row
          # name: Fan Default Custom Theme
          # customTheme: true
          reverseButtons: true
          customSetpoints: true
          lowPercentage: 30
          medPercentage: 60
          hiPercentage: 90
      name: Theatre Fan  

Thanks but finity already posted the exact same config above.

I’ll have to check out that card though.

Thank you a lot for the automation graph
and to have warned us about the database update !

Thank you @Dave_Bryant and @sierra055. WU custom component was my issue also. Updated and running again without secrets error.

tplink power switches? or router stuff?
have no issues here with switches, routers not in use

Spent forever trying to rebuild my script for going to bed. Found out that the Vesync intergration is broken in this update and since it was in a group being called to be turned off it was stopping the script. At least there is an issue up for it. Not sure what changed as this wasn’t a breaking change I saw.

switches/lights. They work too but HA takes 500 seconds to timeout before it will fully come up. It blocks. I’ve actually modified the code to reduce that timeout and it works better.

But it should not take that long for this integration. It’s not the best integration, but not that slow here …
You Have many switches and only one is slow or something?