2021.8.1 breaks monochromatic light?

Upgraded to 2021.8.1 this morning, and suddenly all my devices with the following code are unable to dim.
I’ve not yet done further tests to attempt to find the cause, just putting this out there early in case it’s something more people need to know about. (or in case someone knows of a breaking-change I didn’t see)
Might be an unintended side-effect from this PR: Light: include ON_OFF capability to BRIGHTNESS ColorMode by puuu · Pull Request #2186 · esphome/esphome · GitHub</t

Is already a reported issue: Monochromatic Light don't dim with HA · Issue #2355 · esphome/issues · GitHub

- platform: monochromatic
  id: led_light
  name: ${verbose_name}
  output: load_pwm

- platform: esp8266_pwm
  id: load_pwm
  pin: GPIO5
  inverted: False

  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

I see the same problem after updating an ESP to the latest version running home-assistant 2021.06.8

I modified 2021.8.0’s code using the patch in PR #2186 and it broke - never dims, only full-on or off, so I’m pretty sure that’s the cause. :wink:

I know right, why would anyone add ‘color modes’ to a Monochromatic light anyway!!!

This has been corrected in 2021.8.2, released about 22 hours after 8.1