(Chaim Turkel)
August 6, 2022, 9:02pm
After upgrading to 8.1 all my switches with broadlink are missing.
I downgraded to 7.7 and it is back working
Did i miss something?
(Nick Rout)
August 6, 2022, 10:21pm
There seems to be known problem Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub
Try reloading the broadlink integration. It has worked for many. Look in the 2022.8 release thread.
Did i miss something?
Yep, heaps of chat about it in the main 2022.8 release thread.
August 7, 2022, 12:42am
Does reloading the integration lose any entities? I’d hate to have to re-pair all my Broadlink switches.
August 7, 2022, 5:14am
This is at least the second time the Broadlink integration has been broken for me after an update. The current issue seems to be the integration itself not starting in time for when switches are setup. So instead I’ve moved it into a script. For example here’s my code for turning on/off my fireplace.
First create a script (in my case in scripts.yaml):
- service: remote.send_command
entity_id: remote.basil_remote
command: b64:sg8cAAwPDxobDw8aDxoEEg8aExoEEg8aDxobDxsAAlwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
- service: remote.send_command
entity_id: remote.basil_remote
command: b64:sgYcAAwODxobDw8aDxoPPg8aExoPGg8bGg8bDxsAAl0AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
You will now be able to test running the scripts to send the codes. Now to turn it into a switch (in my case, in switch.yaml).
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.fireplace_mode', 'on') }}"
- service: input_boolean.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.fireplace_mode
- service: script.fireplace_on
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.fireplace_mode
- service: script.fireplace_off
Then to track if the fireplace is off or on, need to setup a boolean entry (most likely in configuration.yaml - you can do this through the gui, but I like it hard coded just in case I need to do a rebuild from scratch)
initial: off
Obviously this is a pain to do if you have a lot of switches/codes using Broadlink but fortunately for me I didn’t have many.
August 7, 2022, 8:17pm
It looks like maybe there’s a fix in 2022.8.2 :
← elupus:broadlink/platform_setup
opened 01:00AM - 07 Aug 22 UTC
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We must setup the platform data with the config entry setup callback,
and device information. So trigger a platform not ready until the entry
has been setup, then use the stored callback function to setup.
The old solution relied on platform setup having completed before config entry setup. This is no longer guaranteed (if it ever was)
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