2023.8 z-wave stops working after a while

Since the 2023.8 update, I’ve been having to reboot the system every day or so to restore z-wave. All the devices show up in z-wave JS UI, but I cannot control them with HA after the system has been running for a while. Has anyone else had this issue since the update? How would I go about debugging this?

Home Assistant 2023.8.1
Supervisor 2023.07.1
Operating System 10.4
Frontend 20230802.0 - latest

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YES I have exactly the same issue.

Home Assistant 2023.8.1
Supervisor 2023.07.1
Operating System 10.4
Frontend 20230802.0 - latest

This hasn’t repeated, yet, after installing 1.15.5 of the z-wave js ui add-on.

can you please check your IP settings? I got problems with many integrations after updating OS to 10.4

eth0 and eth1 were set to the same ip. after editing this, all problems are solved.

I’m seeing the same issues. Downgraded to 2023.7 and everything is working properly again. Something is amiss in 2023.8.X.