Currently I use two template sensors to display the forecasted minimum and maximum temperature on a couple of inkplate dashboards and my watch. As I understand the forecast attribute of the weather entity is going away.
How do I create entities to store mimimum and maximum temperatures? I cannot use the templates anymore as I can’t call a service from a template. I probably have te solve this using a script and input_numbers, but the response variable from a service wont hold a dictionary.
e.g. this won’t work:
alias: Temp min and max
- service: weather.get_forecast
entity_id: weather.myweather
type: daily
response_variable: forecast
- service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.minimum_temperatuur
value: “{{ forecast[0].templow|float|round(1) }}”
data: {}
mode: single
icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
How to solve this?