3 questions after the upgrade


I just upgrade from 0.44 to 0.51.

ON top of a Z-wave issue i have together with Docker (which i addressed here), I have 3 questions that I hope someone could help me with:

  1. The Zwave menu on left side disappear. i could swear there was something there is the past, any idea?
  2. I read somewhere that we should now have an automation button on the left, So i could create automation based on the GUI, and not on the automation.yaml file, idea ideas?
  3. what version of the open-zwave is used on HASS? or better question. do you know if the fibaro button is already working on HASS?



The Zwave menu and Automation menu are part of the Configuration menu. The first line of the OZW_Log will show you the Openzwave version. Currently: OpenZwave Version 1.4.2508

I see. thanks!
where i find the configuration menu? :frowning:

Left side menu.

it is not on my system :frowning:

All i have is:

than the 6 buttons in the bottom
Services, states, events, tempaltes, MQTT, info

that is it…

any clue?

Top left stacked =

it is not there…!

Try http://your_ip:8123/config/dashboard

i got 404 error, page not found…

make sure you have
in your configuration.yaml file


now i have the configuration menu!

many thanks!

Most welcome