I have 4 rooms with radiators (not yet with smartvalves, but will have them soon). I made 4 generic thermostats that all have the same boiler switch. The switch switches on as soon as 1 of the thermostats needs a higher temperature than currently available in that room. But… it switches the boiler switch off, as soon as it’s done. But that doesn’t mean the other rooms are done, of course.
So I’ve read something about making a group, so that if even 1 of that groep is ‘true’, the switch stays on. But I don’t see the logic (yet) how to implement this.
you can use either the group example you linked to (read about “groups” ) in your example you all generic-thermostats have to be “above” the highest “value” of the thermostats , so if you have different values, you take the highest.
Or you create a simple template/automation, so when 1 thermostat triggers the heather it will heat until it reach the highest value … Im not sure why that wont work for you.
You only have 1 Boiler, so no matter how you twist and turn it, when the heat is lower in 1 room, and you want to heat, all rooms get affected, and the boiler wont stop before you reach the upper threshold ( in what ever room that is )
Im not sure about how the group works in details, but i believe it’s the right way, as it then is the group which are the “trigger”
Problem is, you will most likely not like any of the solutions, because the room you want to have “hottest” , will most likely be the one who triggers all the time, and the other rooms will just have to “addapt” and be “as warm as they be”
thou again as each generic thermostat should be configured to trigger, cording to your preferences, but as you only have 1 heater, then your “lost”, unless you “find” a common highest-level ( ALL room has to have the same “Highest” temperature, in which ever room that is …again, the others have to “adapt” ( getting hot as hell )
but to be honest, then you are better of just using temperatur-sensors