401: Unauthorized -> Ingess_session in Home Assistant and Frigate via hassio_ingress service

Hi, I come with a problem. I have a camera added in the home assistant in the Frigate add-on. I am going to create a script that, for example, downloads snapshots from the camera. I have found a valid endpoint that works in the browser:


The snapshot appears.

I then tried to test this in Postman where:

headers = {

'Authorization': f 'Bearer {Long-Lived Access Token from Home Assistant}',

'Content-Type': 'application/json'


And it doesn’t work. It gets 401 no authorization. I noticed that ingress_session is passed to the Cookie in the browser. So when adding to the header.

'Cookie': 'ingress_session={ingress_token}'

Everything works correctly. However, it should not look like this. I should either be dynamically generating the token or downloading it. Has anyone encountered this?