i’m looking to include some 433 sensors. to do this is need some 433mhz receiver hardware.
i also have two of those cheap ebay sets (receiver and transmitter).
they work so far and i was able to decode the swimming pool thermometer using pilight (installed on a nano) and using pilight-debug to receive some binary code.
no idea how to use it with home.assistant though slight_smile:
but the real problem is receiving distance. the pool is outside (obviously) and about 10m away from the raspberry. so the receiver won’t see the signals.
any recommendation for a good not too expensive and versatile (i would like to read as many 433 devices as possible) receiver?
First did you try to put an antenna to the receiver, (17.3cm of copper wire)?
You can take a look to this page that gives some ideas about improving RF ranges:
thanks. sure the antenna is installed. i soldered the included spring type antenna. i don’t know it’s length, but i suppose it to be appropriate for 433mHz.
i thought of buying some new head scratch free device that has good reception values ootb. this will save me some head ache i hope. unfortunately (or luckily) there are so many different devices, and before investing into one of those, i want to make sure that’s it’s the best one - meaning good reception, support of most 433 devices, and well supported by HA.
My advise is to go to a superheterodyne receiver and to add an antenna like this one : https://m.banggood.com/fr/SMA-Male-Crimp-GSM-GPRS-433MHz-Antenna-3dbi-Magnetic-Base-p-961494.html
Nevertheless 10m can be difficult to reach and will depend also to your emitter power and antenna, do you have a way to play with emitter power ?
Regarding HA support there is many ways of interfacing :
433mhz signal --> receiver - pi
433mhz signal --> receiver - arduino --> serial- pi
433mhz signal --> receiver - esp8266 --> wifi-pi
433mhz signal --> rfxcom --> serial-pi
Your choice will depend on the degree of diy you want and the materials you have