Hi Team, i am using in sum 5 PoE Cameras (JideTech, Reolink and H.VIEW)
On my main Dashboard i use Picture Entity with Refresh 7 Seconds.
My Cameras connected by ONVIF > go2rtc > go2rtc-RTSP to LoveLace
I have a 2nd Dashscreen where i have Live-View on all my main Cameras
I use to keep my Datatransfer in LocalLAN so with Dnsmasq-Addon to keep my “duckdns.org” DynDNS local when i am in LocalLAN/Wifi
What i dont understand is that i have Traffic of ~50MBit Up and Download see
and i can say its 100% my HA-Server
my HA-Server is hosted on a W10-Machine with Hyper-V with following config (2 Cores, 2.2GB RAM, 100GB Flash, 1Gbit dedicated NW-Card [not shared])
Does i miss something, or why i have 10-50Mbps Upload and Download with my Cameras when traffic should be only in local LAN?