77.2 broke my UI

There are no data in my custom-ui cards. Only the titles now show in blank cards. I was using 8-6 version, switched to 8-30, but no change. Restarts and reboots don’t help. 77.2 seemed OK before and after I updated to HassOS 1.10 from 1.09. An hour later I have no data and…

The log is flooded with these errors:
https://XXXXXXXX.duckdns.org/frontend_latest/app-be25c91d.js:2:12805 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘switch’ of undefined
4:33 PM components/system_log/init.py (ERROR).

Will restore a 77.1 full snapshot and report back.

77.1 snapshot restored, but portions of system remain broken. I will experiment with installing a clean hassOS and restoring my configuration from backup. I already had to do this to upgrade from 75.3 to 76.1. My experience hitting the “update” button in hass.io has been inconsistent lately. Used to be rock solid.

You need to update the custom ui components and then clear your browser cache. Same thing happened to me.

Thanks. Had done that (when I switched to the 8-30 version). Made no difference.

Meanwhile, have rebuilt system from scratch and working OK.

There is a 2018-08-31 version. When you rebuilt, you probably got this version. Had you pulled the latest, again, it would have saved you the rebuild time.

I fixed my issue by updating to the 2018-08-31 version of CustomUI but also had to change the loading method in config.yaml from:

custom_ui: local


- /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui-es5.html

Interesting. Mine is still set to local and didn’t need the extra url in frontend. I guess as long as it is working, that is all that matters. I do still have mine forced into es5 mode for an issue that was resolved a while back, I just haven’t bothered to change it yet.