I have a use case that I am looking for some inspiration on. I do look after my disabled mother who benefits greatly form my creativity. But I have a friend who has MS (Multiple Sclerosis). As such her mobility is suffering and while on crutches she has difficulty opening doors whilst also carrying things - like a cup of coffee!
I have looked at ways of getting doors to automate but the options - at least here in the UK - are stand alone and come in at just under £500 per door.
Now I have some skills; I can solder, I have a basic understanding of electronics, Linux and have gotten many bespoke solutions in place but this one has me stumped. Its the physical side and the options for the same that have me stumped.
There must be options beyond the commercially available expensive solutions. If any one has done something similar then please share.
caveat - I’m not in this for the money I charge nothing I buy the components with my own dosh on £65.15 per week (UK full time carers allowance). My time is for free. All I ask of the recipient - after they have assessed and I have adjusted what I have provided. Is to cover the cost of the components. Total disclosure. from beginning to end.
Here as a community I am asking for ideas not the solution. Help if you can but hinder not!