So i started the installation yesterday and noticed i had a few problems and have to abandon the installation. Mainly because i am using Raspbian Whezy on my Pi and will be updating to Raspbian Jessie Lite this evening so hopefully my issues will go away but can i just clarify a few things:
Executing “sudo apt-get install python3 python3-venv python3-pip” gave me errors saying it couldnt locate package “python3-venv”. Is this because of the Raspbian version??
I noticed the maximum version of python was 3.2 and apparently virtualenv is only available in 3.3? I couldnt update past 3.2.
Executing “sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant” prompted me for a password but i had no idea what this password was. I never got asked to set a password when i created the user “homeassistant”. Is this normal?
Even after installing “python3-pip” the “pip3” command was not found. I had to use “pip-3.2”.
I assume the majority of problems i had was because of the OS version. I am updating the Pi tonight to Jessie Lite and i am going to retry but just thought i would clarify the above first to make sure i am correct in my thinking.
Regarding the password prompt, what should i enter?
EDIT: All above issues were because of the OS version. After updating to Rasbian Jessie i didnt experience any problems with installation.