After a 2nd time SD card crash I’m looking for better alternative.
I’ve ordered mSATA adapter for RPI, but just wondering if this is a good direction - as I read there are some issues with installation…
Anyway, requirements: SSD, LOW power consumption, Ethernet port,… rest = optional.
It will run only ‘’. So no special additional features…
Any recommended hardware?
P.S. I have not used ‘Dell Optiplex 780’ USFF, but the power consumption is rather high = 180W.
That, or install the release candidate of HassOS (which supports USB boot) on an SSD. Just converted to that from my Hassio on Raspbian setup this weekend, works great.
That, or install the release candidate of HassOS (which supports USB boot) on an SSD. Just converted to that from my Hassio on Raspbian setup this weekend, works great.
Looks promising - so I need the latest image …RPI3 image… and then ‘etch’ it on mSATA (SSD)? Right?
‘Release candidate’ means it is still not stable version…?
I grabbed a NUC on eBay for around $200 USD. Figured if I was going to entrust my entire home’s automation platform to a single system that spending a little more than I’d have liked would be ok.
I believe that the 32 GB minimum is a recommendation passed around related to SD cards and wear. A larger SD card does not need to reuse the same space as often as a smaller card, therefore reducing wear (and wear is a concern).
With SSDs, wear isn’t really a concern. The SSD should be sized based on the use case. Im using around 12 GB for my entire setup and I will never come close to needed 20GB much less 32GB. Someone with a larger setup or keeping history longer may need much more room.
ooo… nice. I got all the hardware, wasnt ready to move to hassbian for HA.
Gonna wait until it hits release then switch right over. Its been super stable for me atm, but I worry about the SD wear…
couldnt get SSD working with HassIO due to USB boot not neing available. Which would mean i would have to move to hassbian to get SSD working, I dont really want that, hence my excitement.
Today arrived my mSATA bay for my RP3+.
This week I also expect used 32GB mSATA SSD ( considered 64GB, but 32 was much cheaper ).
Then I try to install ‘hassos’…
Today received mSATA disc. But I have problem to ‘image’ it with ‘Balena’.
After 1 min. error is showing…
I’m doing that via X850 borad (with mSATA disc plug-in) connected with USB cable…
As I do not have other converter - is that any limit/problem doing the ‘etching’ via X850???
Some instruction from web is saying that this should be no problem…