A script to run daily that makes Alexa forget everything I said that day. Requires Alexa-Media-Player

I have an automation that runs daily at 22:30 to turn on this script: The script uses the Alexa-Media-Player available from HACS: Make sure it runs in a location where Alexa’s response wont disturb you.

    alias:  daily_forgetting
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.breakfast_room
          media_content_id: 'Delete everything I said today'
          media_content_type: custom    
# wait for Alexa to request confirmation
      - delay: '00:00:09'
# confirmation
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.breakfast_room
          media_content_id: 'yes'
          media_content_type: custom   

Does it cause all echo’s to forget what was heard or only the one you direct the play media command toward?

IOW, do we need to do this on all of them or just one to delete everything?

It appears to delete everything I said to any of them that day. Only the one I send it to responds verbally.

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