A wireless 4/5 button controller - seems hard to find?

I’m looking for a wireless 4/5 button controller, some kind of remote control (not something that is fixed to a wall).

It needs to communicate though either Z-Wave or Thread (I don’t have Zigbee), and preferrable without a bridge. If it has Matter-over-Thread support, that would even be a big plus.

It needs to be available for purchase in Europe (Tuo/Arre are not available in the EU).

The options I have found to far each have some serious downsides:

  • Aeotec Nano Mote Quad: the only Z-Wave button controller I could find (in Europe). But it seems to be out of stock everywhere and I have the impression this product has reached or is nearing EOL.
  • Onvis Switch HS2: is pretty much what I need. But it only communicates with Thread-over-Homekit. I don’t have any Apple-hubs at home. I see on this forum that quite some people are strugling to get this connected to HA.
  • Nanoleaf Sense+ Switch: seems to have (limited) Matter-over-Thread support. Still in beta. Only the side buttons can be configured through Matter. Which is strange.

Are there other options available?

Looks like Zooz ZEN37 is available in the EU, but without LR. I use one at the bottom of my stairs for 6 months now and haven’t even had to recharge it. It magnetically sticks to its wall mount but does not have to use it.

Alternatively, at least one user has reported adding the HS2 to Home Assistant using Bluetooth (via esp32 proxy) then switching it to Thread without use of any Apple hardware. You do need a functioning Thread Border Router of course.

Thanks for your input. I wasn’t aware of the Zen37. Good to know that at least somebody got the HS2 working in HA. It is still my preferred solution (I prefer thread over Z-wave).