I’m sure this must be simple but have been searching for a couple of days without luck. When you add an aarlo camera entity (eg: camera.aarlo_front_gate) to lovelace you can click on it and a window opens playing the most recent recording from the camera.
Question how I do get it to open a live stream instead of the last recording?
When using the aarlo-glance card, when clicking on the last camera capture it launches a stream. Basically I’m looking for the same functionality but through an entity.
I also use the aarlo-glance card but I’m only able to get the stream working when I click on the open and to start the stream… are you able to get it to auto start w/o clicking ?
It looks like we have the same results. I get the stream working when clicking on the last snapshot from within the aarol-glance but not from other cards/buttons.