Ability to display comments for automations

Now that I have been using Home Assistant for a while, I have gathered a fairly nice list of automations. What I now find that it is getting difficult to always remember what the automation is actually doing without creating an extremely long automation alias name, which looks ugly:)

I would find it very useful to have some sort of ability to have a comments option on automations. Add this comment to the yaml, under the alias field, and then show this on the frontend.

This option could, for example, display when you click on the automation in your cards, in the pop up window which displays the stats, when it was last triggered and the trigger button.

This way, if I forget what a certain automation rule does, I can simply click on it and read my notes that I left for the automation rule.

I am open for different ideas to implement this, so as long as the bottom line is a way to quickly understand what the automation does, without me having to do edit the yaml document and read my comments from there or read through the actual automation rule.

Anyone else find this a nifty feature?


This in fact would be very useful for me as well. I tend to heavily comment the purpose of each automation, but I have to go back to my configuration file everytime to read some of my reasoning. Another nice feature would be to state from which .yaml file this automation reside in. I split up my configuration, so sometimes I wonder if it’s under the lights.yaml or the livingroom.yaml etc.

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