I have a lot of KNX devices in my home assistant setup. But there is not possibility to set an area for them. Thus, all the area features do not work. For example then new areas view, where I can see, what devices, automation, scripts and other stuff is available on a certain area. Of course the devices are not added into areas in the default view as well.
This would also make google assistant integration better, because we do not need to set a ‘room’ in customize, because the area would define it already.
I thin, either allow to set an area in the entity view tab, or allow a new attribute ‘area’ for KNX entities in the config. Either directly or maybe in the customize file.
That would be a great help for the KNX integration and would be much appreciated by the KNX community.
sorry for the late reply! I just got your email and searched for this thread.
We are planning on integrating this feature at some point. But there are prerequisites that we would have to implement first. Also, feel free to join our discord (you can find it here in the README: https://github.com/XKNX/xknx).
Your request partially fits to the following open issues:
Home Assistant requires Unique IDs in order for settings such as names, entity IDs, areas, etc. to work. That is what Marvin alluded to in his earlier reply.