Able to use HA app but won't connect via URL

Hi all - very strange instance here. I have 4 devices that i have connected to HA. My primary laptop, my phone, work laptop, and tablet. Both laptops, and my phone are able to connect to HA via URL (homeassistant.local:8123) and my phone is able to connect to the app as well. The strange thing… my tablet can connect to the home assistant application, however… it will not connect to URL. I’m wanting URL so i can use fully kiosk… any ideas? One sidenote - on my phone when i log into the app it makes me put in my username and password, however… on the tablet it appears to just stay signed in.

Thanks in advance!

The name resolution of anything xxxxx.local depens on mDNS, which typically/mostly would work, but sometime wouldn’t.
Sometimes it would start working if your tablet stays on the local network long enough. But still not 100%.

So, if I were you, internally on the LAN side, I would always use:
everywhere… and in my fully kiosk setup.

Anyways, hope this helps.

tried to clear the cache?

This worked perfectly - i set up the local IP integration to capture the IP, then did the :8123

Thank you, I’ve been trying to figure this out for days!!!