I’ve got Samsung AC that are connected with ST to HA, I can turn on and off and set temp.
BUT I’m trying to make an auto. that if temp at the room will raise above X the ac will start to work, and I can’t find in HA the entity the monitors the ac current temp at the room
any idea?
this is my yaml, but it never triggers…
alias: Shabat _AC living room triger
description: auto make ac living room on above 27
- platform: device
device_id: ecdf7df1a59f4e6c9c8287471f380cf1
domain: climate
entity_id: climate.air_conditioner_living_room
type: current_temperature_changed
above: 27
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.shabes_mode
state: 'on'
- condition: and
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.away_mode
state: 'off'
- condition: time
before: '19:00:00'
after: '08:00:00'
- service: input_boolean.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: input_boolean.hot_inside_mode
mode: single