Access Config folder over internet (externally) on Android Phone


What is the best way to access my Config folder on Android over the internet when away from home. If using a PC I would use the VS Code add-on but this is not useable on mobile.

I have homeassistant cloud and duckdns set up and have forwarded the external port of 22 to the internal IP address of my pi.

I have the SSH and Web Terminal add-on installed and SFTP set to true but I can’t get an SFTP app ( Code Editor) to connect.

I know it’s possible because I used to do it with the Droid Edit app but I seem to do it now.


Official addon file editor

Fairly lightweight. Has ingress.

Thanks but I still don’t think coding within the HA frontend is a good experience, I was hoping for a stand alone app method of coding yaml files

Does the community ssh and terminal addon let you access it?

GitHub - hassio-addons/addon-ssh: SSH & Web Terminal - Home Assistant Community Add-ons.

I try not to code at all on my small Android screen…

I think it should do but I can’t get it to work