Access Control w Home assistant integration

Hi all,
I recently moved into my new office space.
It has a rfid access control system with a electronic strike and it doesn’t suit my current situation.

I want to be able to lock/unlock the electronic strike remotely to allow deliveries.

I would also like to have programable rfid cards for staff that can have certain rules ie. only allow access during the week between certain hours for certain staff. Ideally that each card has its own rules and can be changed remotely.

Now sure where to start so any advice would greatly be appreciated.


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Something must be used to decode the RFID tags and take the decision to let in or not.
This is usually a software running on a server or smal raspberry looking device.
Most of these softwares can set schedules on access groups.

But regarding opening the door remotely, that is probably something you need to hack.
Some softwares have remote access but it’s usually more expensive and comes with a monthly fee.