Access HA from the outside, why is the API lacking?

I am trying to write som Python scripts that needs to access Home Assistant. There are 2 different API’s, the REST one and the websocket one.

  1. The REST API seems to be obsolete, but there is nothing in the docs that actually state that. Reading closed issues though, it is very obvious that any proposed fixes/changes gets closed with some “don’t want to” comment.
  2. The websocket API is obviously tailored for the frontend and not external applications. For instance, there seems to be no way to fetch state of a single entity?

I cannot find ANY reference in either API for areas, which is what I need in my application. I found a refused PR to add it to the REST interface, so I am not the only one that needs it.

I agree the API is lacking. You could alternatively use webhooks to do whatever you want. Maybe that’s the preferred approach and the REST API will die eventually???

The webhook API also lacks getting the area of a device/entity.