Access HA remotely without admin permissions on PC

Hello alltogether,

I just found out my router supports a VPN functionality, so I can directly access my private network from outside by using an IPSec VPN.
By now I configured my HA to be exposed to the internet via port forwarding (with Lets Encrypt + DDNS).

Using the VPN works properly with my iPhone, even automatically on demand. That means I could easily use all the functionalities of the HA app (like updating the location, …). With this I think I don’t need an exposed HA anymore.

My problem is that without the exposed host I’m not able to access HA from my office because I don’t have admin privileges there. Even when I use my phone as hotspot the VPN is not used on the PC. So my question is how to make it possible to access my HA from my office without installing anything on the PC (that requires admin rights)?

Are you referring to ‘accessing the files’ or HA’s frontend. Because the frontend will be accessible with or without OS admin privilege’s through a browser on a VPN.

You’re right, I’m probably expressed myself misleading. I have no admin rights on my office PC, therefore I can’t install anything there - especially not a VPN client which would make it possible to access the HA frontend with a browser (when removing the port forwarding). So removing the port forwarding would result in a inaccessibility of the HA frontend from my office PC. That’s what I am looking for a solution for (because I like the way of VPN-access-only).

I don’t think there would be any way. I also highly doubt your company would want you to VPN to your home network when connected to their network.

Your doubts are pretty probable, I guess… :frowning: