Access the router (OpenWRT) directly from the left column of the user interface


I want to access the router directly from the left column of the user interface. My router is using OpenWRT Any ideas how to do this ?

Thank you

I assume it has a web view interface that you want to access it with so you can create an iframe panel:

Thank you for your reply
I namely added:

    title: "Routeer"
    url: ""    
    icon: mdi:router-wireless
    require_admin: true

But now when I open the router tab in HA, I just get a white screen. I tried to change http to https but it doesn’t help

It is very likely that your router doesn’t allow to be in iframe (like mine)

Is there any possibility to solve this?

First, be sure that you’re not mixing http and https content.
Because there is nothing to do if it is not the same other than to use a reverse proxy.

Second, have a look arround on this forum as I saw a lot of topic about OpenWRT in iframe.

From what I’m seeing, it’s not something that can easily be done.

Is there anyway to get access to the router via HA ?