Accessing Tado Target Temperature for including in custom graphs etc

If I view a history graph of the entity climate.living_room I see a basic graph of room temperature and target temperature over time. as if the climate.living_room is storing multiple values.

If however I want to build my own custom graph including these values separately I don’t seem to be able to access the target temperature anywhere. I can get the room temperature from sensor.living_room_temperature but I cant for the life of me work out how to access the set target temperature of a tado zone.

can anyone help ?

EDIT: ok so ive worked out that the climate entity has a state of “auto” which is its heating mode and all the other data is stored in attributes…

so i guess my actual question is how do i access attributes of an entity in a graph / chart ?

You would need to use a template. If the card you are using supports templates then great, otherwise you may need to create a template sensor for the attribute you want.

state_attr('climate.bathroom_heating', 'temperature')