I run HA on a Rpi 3. It is using buster / debian os. I have it running OMV, pi hole, hyperion deluge and HA (on docker).
HA is the only thing running on docker. So far so good. Now I just got some wyze cameras and installed motion eye addon. I have a 1tb HD attached to my pi (because of OMV) I want to save the images from the cameras on my usb hdd.
When i run
$ docker inspect motioneye
I get the locations that HA have mounted for it to save files.
So i want to change it somewhere in the HA core, to it to mount one more location (the OMV mounted shared USB).
have anyone done it?
I have used winscp to see the HA files and found its addons.json. It states over there to mount some locations, but if a add any othe location, it does not work…
Makes sense to use the Media Source feature of HA, so you can browse (and review) recordings in HA.
For Home Assistant OS, Supervised and Container users, this folder is by default configured in the path /media .
So, you bind-mount your external drive’s mount-point or sub-directory (e.g. /mnt/usb/recordings) by adding -v /mnt/usb/recordings:/media as argument to the docker run call.
That worked like a charm! Thanks for the idea! I made a symb link from the mounted HD to the media folder. I Had to delete the media folder, make the symbolic link (soft link) linking to my mounted HD and restart the addon.
one more thing, HA wont boot with the softlink from media folder linking to the external HDD. You have to create a cronjob for every time you reboot the pi to it remove the soft link, another cronjob to delete the folder that HA creates and another Cronjob to make the softlink again…
HA is the one that starts the docker container running motion eye. WHat i mean is that IDK the whole script that its using to run it and mount all the locations that i need