July 22, 2021, 2:42pm
It is possible to add all enteties under one device?
For example I instaled openmediavault integration and if I go on UI under configuration-devices, I have four devices of openmediavault like this:
I wanna have only one device named server-virtual-omv and all entities under it.
Is this possible?
July 23, 2021, 12:27am
This is a third party integration, so you would have to contact the developer and open a feature request with them.
Device and entities are managed by integrations, so developer can create one device to group these entities underneath it, but it should be a logical grouping
July 25, 2021, 10:11am
Thanks for reply
It would be nice to have this option in future release of haos, would be more transparent.
Definition of device is clear here: Device Registry | Home Assistant Developer Docs
Not sure if it would be accepted to group entities under one device independently.
Let’s approach problem from other way around, why do you want to group them?