Add an active Weather Radar Map

I didn’t notice any change in the image while loaded in HASS.

The setup from the original post still work.

Is anyone able to get this Dark Sky / Widget into Home Assistant? I’m trying via camera component, but am only getting “Image not available”:

Info (Dark Sky blog post):



Since it is a webpage and not an image, you will have to use panel_iframe.

    title: 'DarkSky'
    url: ''

As @arsaboo suggested I use something like this in panel_iframe


    title: 'Windy'
    icon: mdi:weather-windy
    url: !secret windy_url 
    title: 'Darksky'
    icon: mdi:weather-lightning-rainy
    url: !secret darksky_url


Thanks, @arsaboo / @sbmlat, thats perfect!

Found a fix for Wunderground radar.

Go here:

At the bottom right of the radar is an “Image Link”

Click the link to get the URL to the gif to be used in the still_image_url: field.


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How can i force an update of the image every 5 minutes?

i tried using scan_interval, but it doesnt result in an update

I use the generic camera component

Environment Canada makes the individual GIFs available as described at

Below is a config item that I put together to fetch (nearly) the latest image from the radar near Ottawa, which is refreshed every 10 minutes:

  - platform: generic
    name: Franktown Radar
    still_image_url:{{(as_timestamp(now()) - 600) | timestamp_custom('%Y%m%d%H%M', False) | regex_replace(find='(?<=\d{11})\d', replace='0')}}_XFT_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif
    content_type: image/gif
    limit_refetch_to_url_change: true

Here’s how the image URL is constructed:

  • Base path:
  • Station code: XFT (available from the station URLs at
  • Timestamp of 10 minutes (600 seconds) ago: (as_timestamp(now()) - 600)
  • Format timestamp to string in UTC: | timestamp_custom('%Y%m%d%H%M', False)
  • Replace the 12th digit with 0, to align with the 10-minute period:
    | regex_replace(find='(?<=\d{11})\d', replace='0')
  • Station again: _XFT_
  • End of filename: PRECIPET_RAIN.gif

And here’s the output:



For the Netherlands you can use a Buienradar gif which you can find here. You can easily change the size by editing the w=480 and h=480 values

  platform: generic
  name: Weer
  content_type: 'image/gif'

Here is a great resource for getting more radars

maybe someone can make a real component out of this

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What about if I have a sequence of static images as:,localidades:estados,localidades:paises&styles=,poligono_vazado_preto_fino,poligono_vazado_preto_fino&bbox=-9304526.579097936,-4079902.8217495675,-3072157.0408378043,812066.9885017126&width=636&height=477&srs=EPSG:3857&format=image/jpeg&transparent=true

Where the following part of URL is changed from 1 to 20.

So, how can I have a moving image from the sequence of above static images?

It seems that as of 02:00 UTC (Oct 19, 2018) Environment Canada has stopped publishing the _XFT_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif image.

You will need to update the _XFT_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif to _XFT_COMP_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif

Hopefully this is a temporary thing but if not.

It’s temporary, they fail over to COMP (short for composite) images when a particular radar site is down.

Hagensieker, how did you get that Weather map on your card? Is is animated?

Is there a way to animate the image that’s grabbed using this method? All I’ve got is a still when I use this technique. Also, I’ve noticed that if I change the link from _WKR_PRECIPET_SNOW.gif to _WKR_COMP_PRECIPET_SNOW.gif I get a little more detail, but it also shows the circles for radar range; do you know a file naming convention or other way to choose which ovelays are included on the image? Ideally I’d like to find a way to imbed the 10-frame animate image with the city names and roads overlay enabled.

I’ve created a camera component that returns an animated image, the details are at this thread:

The COMP image is a fall-back that is used when the actual site requested is not available. It uses surrounding radars (where available) to try to build a composite image that covers the target area.

I haven’t figured out a way to add the overlays; they don’t seem to publish them.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

This was working beautifully until very recently- perhaps after the 0.93.1 HA upgrade. As shown I have both wunderground and NOAA in there; about 60% of the time for wunderground and 100% of the time for NOAA I’m getting the broken link icon, and the camera shows “idle”. No related errors in the log. I tried playing around with content_type but it didn’t really seem to change anything. Has anyone else noticed a change?


  - platform: generic
    still_image_url: ''
    name: 'ny_radar'
#    content_type: image/gif
#    scan_interval: 60
  - platform: generic
    still_image_url: ''
    name: 'us_radar'


  - entity: camera.ny_radar
    type: picture-entity
  - entity: camera.us_radar
    type: picture-entity

One more thing… tried adding an Iframe card, which works, but it only displays the upper left hand corner of the weather map. There doesn’t seem to be any control over scale.

Yea, I am getting the broken icon quite often as well. This morning it has been that way all morning and I tried to go to the URL itself, and that too failed to open. I would venture to guess this is more of an issue with weather underground than HA.