Add BME680 sensor to PicoW in HA

Hi I have connected a PicoW to HA but want to add a BME680 Temp/Hum device that can be read/seen on my dashboard.

The PicoW is online and I have connected the device to SDA to Pin4, SCL to Pin5, 3.3V and GND.

How can I now see the readings, I assume I must do something with a Yaml file or something?

Any help would be appreciated.

Well, what firmware are you using on the Pico that would send the BME values to HA and how?

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Hi I loaded the .uf2 file developed when I used when I booted the PicoW using ESP Home Builder. I could see it but had not connected the sensor, its now connected to the PicoW and I have no idea what to do next, I expect I need to edit a Yaml or JinJer file…


Thanks I will check this out…